Surah Al Kahf with English Translation - Mufti Menk

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Lesson from Surah Kahf: A rejection, a loss, a delay isn't always a deprivation, it is indeed Allah’s divine help to protect you, give you better and reward you.


Please, make dua i am almost a hafiz i am done 14 juz para make dua that i become a hafiz within 10 months InshaAllah


A person said “allahuakbar” seconds later said “La ilaha illallah” immediately after said “La illaha illa Anta subhanaka inni kuntu min-adh-zalimeen” again few seconds said “SubhanAllah”. This way 70, 000 good deeds were earned. This person is you ♥


mufti menk, it has been months and months were i have not read or heard the quran, i feel terrible! the dunya took me down with all its responsibilities, and my negative thoughts took over me. i, today have the power to sit and listen to you because you are so well spoken sir, you help me understand my religion without fearing you. i am very afraid of certain imams that i do not feel safe sometimes. you sir have a very wise and humble mouth. may allah bless you with all his love and affection because you help us so much. thank you 🙏


Please pray for me that my mountain of debts get cleared . Inshallah. Ameen


may allah guide us all to the right path


Daily Dhikr Reminder .🌹💚.Bismillah
1. SubhanAllah 2. Alhamdulillah
3. La illaha il Allah 4. Allahu Akbar


I am newly converted to Islam and this makes me feel so good every time I hear the name of Allah I get chills ❤


Allah The Greatest Name
Ar-Rahman 1 The All-Merciful
Ar-Rahim 2 The All-Beneficient
Al-Malik 3 The Absolute Ruler
Al-Quddus 4 The Pure One
As-Salam 5 The Source of Peace
Al-Mu’min 6 The Inspirer of Faith
Al-Muhaymin 7 The Guardian
Al-‘Aziz 8 The Victorious
Al-Jabbar 9 The Compeller
Al-Mutakabbir 10 The Greatest
Al-Khaliq 11 The Creator
Al-Bari’ 12 The Maker of Order
Al-Musawwir 13 The Shaper of Beauty
Al-Ghaffar 14 The Forgiving
Al-Qahhar 15 The Subduer
Al-Wahhab 16 The Giver of All
Ar-Razzaq 17 The Sustainer
Al-Fattah 18 The Opener
Al-‘Alim 19 The Knower of All
Al-Qabid 20 The Constrictor
Al-Basit 21 The Reliever
Al-Khafid 22 The Abaser
Ar-Rafi’ 23 The Exalter
Al-Mu’izz 24 The Bestower of Honors
Al-Mudhill 25 The Humiliator
As-Sami 26 The Hearer of All
Al-Basir 27 The Seer of All
Al-Hakam 28 The Judge
Al-‘Adl 29 The Just
Al-Latif 30 The Subtle One
Al-Khabir 31 The All-Aware
Al-Halim 32 The Forebearing
Al-‘Azim 33 The Magnificent
Al-Ghafur 34 The Forgiver and Hider of Faults
Ash-Shakur 35 The Rewarder of Thankfulness
Al-‘Ali 36 The Highest
Al-Kabir 37 The Greatest
Al-Hafiz 38 The Preserver
Al-Muqit 39 The Nourisher
Al-Hasib 40 The Accounter
Al-Jalil 41 The Mighty
Al-Karim 42 The Generous
Ar-Raqib 43 The Watchful One
Al-Mujib 44 The Responder to Prayer
Al-Wasi’ 45 The All-Comprehending
Al-Hakim 46 The Perfectly Wise
Al-Wadud 47 The Loving One
Al-Majíd 48 The Majestic One
Al-Ba’ith 49 The Resurrector
Ash-Shahid 50 The Witness
Al-Haqq 51 The Truth
Al-Wakil 52 The Trustee
Al-Qawi 53 The Possessor of All Strength
Al-Matin 54 The Forceful One
Al-Wáli 55 The Governor
Al-Hamid 56 The Praised One
Al-Muhsi 57 The Appraiser
Al-Mubdi 58 The Originator
Al-Mu’id 59 The Restorer
Al-Muhyi 60 The Giver of Life
Al-Mumit 61 The Taker of Life
Al-Hayy 62 The Ever Living One
Al-Qayyum 63 The Self-Existing One
Al-Wajid 64 The Finder
Al-Májid 65 The Glorious
Al-Wahid 66 The Only One
Al-Ahad 67 The One
As-Samad 68 The Satisfier of All Needs
Al-Qadir 69 The All Powerful
Al-Muqtadir 70 The Creator of All Power
Al-Muqaddim 71 The Expediter
Al-Mu’akhkhir 72 The Delayer
Al-Awwal 73 The First
Al-Akhir 74 The Last
Az-Zahir 75 The Manifest One
Al-Batin 76 The Hidden One
Al-Walí 77 The Protecting Friend
Al-Muta’ali 78 The Supreme One
Al-Barr 79 The Doer of Good
At-Tawwab 80 The Guide to Repentance
Al-Muntaqim 81 The Avenger
Al-Afu 82 The Forgiver
Ar-Ra’uf 83 The Clement
Malik al-Mulk 84 The Owner of All
Wal-Ikram 85 The Lord of Majesty and Bounty
Al-Muqsit 86 The Equitable One
Al-Jami 87 The Gatherer
Al-Ghani 88 The Rich One
Al-Mughni 89 The Enricher
Al-Mani’ 90 The Preventer of Harm
Ad-Darr 91 The Creator of The Harmful
An-Nafi 92 The Creator of Good
An-Nur 93 The Light
Al-Hadi 94 The Guide
Al-Badi 95 The Originator
Al-Baqi 96 The Everlasting One
Al-Warith 97 The Inheritor of All
Ar-Rashid 98 The Righteous Teacher
As-Sabur 99 The Patient One


May Allah give mufti Menk a long life.


I love my KING Allah SWT. Islam my Religion. And Prophet Muhammad Peace and Blessings be Upon him. And I love my holy Quran. And my angels. ❤❤❤❤❤❤


May Allah give mufti menk janatul fardowsa a long life


May Allah give you long life
جزاك الله خيرا


Alhamdulillah, I have memorized first 10 Ayats and also last 10 Ayats.
May Allah help me not to forget those Ayats. Whenever I want to recite to protect myself from Dajjal, Ameen.


Salaam and Jummah Mubarak 🤲🏻everyone 🤍💚♥️🤎❤️💜🧡💙🖤


Assalamu alaikum Friday reminder 💥blessed jummah 🤍surah al kahf


MUFTI MENK, , , Alhamdulillah for the translation Aameen ~ 🤲 🙏


May Allah bless and protect you Mufti Menk☝🏼🤲🏼


A person said “allahuakbar” seconds later said “La ilaha illallah” immediately after said “La illaha illa Anta subhanaka inni kuntu min-adh-zalimeen” again few seconds said “SubhanAllah”. This way 70, 000 good deeds were earned. This person is you ♥️


pls make dua that i become a hafiz

i am 9 year old a little kid 😥
pls make dua
