Heresies of the Christian Church Course

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Dr. Costa will be teaching a course this Fall on the heresies of the Christian church at Toronto Baptist Seminary. *This course will be offered both "in-class" and also online.*

What is a heresy? How does one identify a heresy? The Church from its very beginning has been dogged and assailed by various heresies promulgated by heretical teachers. Why did the Church consider various teachings to be spiritually dangerous? How did the Church respond to heresy? Many of these heresies have not died out but have morphed into different systems of thought which still exist today in many religious movements and cults. In this course we will begin with the New Testament and examine some of the first heresies to confront the Church in the first century, and then move through several centuries of the Church’s history and examine other heresies that developed. We will also examine the development of creedal formulas and statements of the faith which the Church published in response to these heresies. Understanding the heresies of the Church is vital to appreciate and understand Christian orthodoxy and the maintenance of sound doctrine which is the earmark of true Christianity.

The ultimate goal and aim of this course is to better acquaint students with the orthodox teachings of the Christian Church and equip them to discern the source of various heresies and examine what particular aspect of Christian beliefs they sought to undermine. This course is offered to both undergraduate and graduate credit students. Audit students are also welcome to take the course.

This course runs Tuesday nights from 6:30 p.m. to 9:20 p.m. EST beginning on September 14, 2021.

This course is offered both for credit and audit students. Audit students do not have to complete any of the assignments or course work.

DCCI Ministries seek to preach the Gospel to Muslims using apologetics and polemics.
Like the Apostle Paul, "we do not use deception, nor do we distort the Word of God" (2 Cor 4:2). Rather "we demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God." Our motivation is love for Muslims to bring them to repentance and faith in Christ for eternal life.

*Disclaimer- Speakers Corner, London UK, is a unique place in the world for freedom of Speech. Debates and dialogues on this channel is the expression of freedom of speech by all parties in their debates and discussions. Therefore all that has been said in the videos is not necessarily the opinion of DCCI but the expression of Freedom of Speech.
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I learned about this while I was doing my bachelors, but I need to review it once again. This is so important


I need this I need to know how to act live, just be like jesus


Wow! I want to take the course but the way my schedule is set up. 😔


Are you addressing….
- Unconditional salvation
- Original Sin
- Secret Rapture
- Antinomianism
- Sunday sacredness
- Immortality of the Soul
Etc etc … ?


Hey is this course through Skype account?


That sound extremely interesting! Can I join online? What does it cost?


Protestantism is the sum of all heresies that came before it and after it. When a person can privately interpret the bible no teaching is ever settled. Protestantism has probbably led more souls to hell. If one can be a protestant, then one can be a muslim or a hindu. For they all proclaim to believe in Jesus as well on their own terms as protestants do.


Argh an anabaptist speaking on heresy there’s a conundrum


Wow, no more aggressively attacking Islam? That will be the day!


While it's important for the church to be aware of the wrong doctrines, but I don't think this kind of teaching is a priority in today's church. Because the head knowledge about God is what has brought a church where it's now.
