Should You Follow Your Heart?
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Should you follow your heart? That's what I want to deal with right now. I
came up with this one. Should you follow your heart? Well, because so many
people say, I was just following my heart. Following my heart. Yeah, you
followed your heart in that relationship. You followed your heart when it
came to buying something that you couldn't afford. You followed your heart
when it came to going somewhere you didn't need to go. You thought you were
following your heart.
What you have to do first of all is decide what is in your heart. You see,
you've got to take the word of God and you've got to feed your heart. Your
heart is your subconscious. That's your spirit. It's not the muscle inside
that pumps the blood. No, it's your spirit. So, you've got to feed that
with the word of God. You don't want to follow your heart. You want to do
what's right because the heart is wicked and deceitful, who can know it?
That's why people get into relationships out of infatuation. They call
themselves following their heart. They thought they were in love. They
thought they liked this person. But they were infatuated by somebody.
That's means you've been fooled into thinking that you were in love.
Should you follow your heart? You should follow what is right. You put the
word of God in your heart and the word of God will rise up. When you know
what's right, your spirit will feed your conscience the right direction.
That's what we follow. Your conscience will say now, that's the word of
God. We programmed it with all the right information, and so it gives us
back the right directions. Should you follow your heart? Not necessarily
because your heart, again, is wicked and deceitful,and it takes in
everything that it receives. You have to decipher what is right from wrong.
That's a sign of spiritual maturity. Discerning the difference between good
and evil, right from wrong, holy from the unholy, clean from unclean.
Follow your heart, no. Follow what's right. Follow the word of God. That's
how we win.