Deploy your C# aspnet core Application free hosting To Heroku Step by Step -2022

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Looking for a Place to run your Asp.Net core App. Am going to show you how simple and easy Heroku makes it :-) step by step heroku makes it super easy we are going to use heroku cli to deploy the app

00:00 Welcome and thanks to new subscribers
00:30 Overview of the video: Deploying ASP.NET Core to Heroku
Overview of the Application

01:00 Running the application on the local machine
01:30 Brief explanation of the application's functionality
Setting Up Heroku Account

02:00 Creating an account on Heroku
02:30 Navigating to the Heroku dashboard
Creating a New App on Heroku

03:00 Creating a new app on Heroku
03:30 Naming the app and setting it up
Installing Heroku CLI

04:00 Downloading and installing Heroku CLI
04:30 Logging into Heroku via the command line
Preparing the Project for Deployment

05:00 Navigating to the project directory
05:30 Initializing Git repository and connecting to Heroku remote
Setting Up Buildpacks

06:00 Introduction to buildpacks
06:30 Selecting and configuring the appropriate buildpack for ASP.NET Core
Configuring Database on Heroku

07:00 Adding PostgreSQL to the Heroku app
07:30 Configuring PostgreSQL settings and credentials
Setting Up Connection Strings

08:30 Ensuring connection string matches Heroku credentials
Installing Required Packages

09:00 Installing Npgsql Entity Framework package
09:30 Ensuring all dependencies are installed
Deploying the Application

10:00 Pushing the code to Heroku
10:30 Monitoring the deployment process
Verifying Deployment

11:00 Checking if the application is live
11:30 Testing different pages to ensure they are working

12:00 Recap of the deployment process
12:30 Mentioning additional resources and links in the description
13:00 Encouragement to like, subscribe, and stay tuned for more videos
13:30 Farewell and motivational sign-off

🔨 Tools I used :
° Visual Studio 2019
° .NET 5
° Entity Framework Core
° Heroku Postgres
° DataBase Connection string::
Server={Host};Port=5432;Database={Database};User Id={User};Password={Password};sslmode=Require;TrustServerCertificate=True;"

Materials / References
Extensions for Vscode

#aspnetcore #dotnettutorial #deploy #dotnet
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Hello, thanks for the video.
I have a questions, are the same steps for upload a API made with .net 6 to heroku?


I deployed it it didn't work and 1 week later i thought it was free and it charged me 1.35 dollars


can you use postgres heroku as sql server db ?


Hi, I'm using the same database connection string that replaced the suitable values of mine, but when I update the database by CLI command, it says "Couldn't set user (Parameter 'user')"


I am face error when excute ( git push heroku master )
Error : src refspec master does not match any
Error: failed to push some refs to 'url'


Does registaration and logging in works? You showed link to it works but is identity communicate with heroku's database?


Its not free, we need to enter card details & verify the same. so please try to avoid using this I guess.


It not working blazor server (dotnet6)
