Deploy your C# aspnet core Application free hosting To Heroku Step by Step -2022
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Looking for a Place to run your Asp.Net core App. Am going to show you how simple and easy Heroku makes it :-) step by step heroku makes it super easy we are going to use heroku cli to deploy the app
00:00 Welcome and thanks to new subscribers
00:30 Overview of the video: Deploying ASP.NET Core to Heroku
Overview of the Application
01:00 Running the application on the local machine
01:30 Brief explanation of the application's functionality
Setting Up Heroku Account
02:00 Creating an account on Heroku
02:30 Navigating to the Heroku dashboard
Creating a New App on Heroku
03:00 Creating a new app on Heroku
03:30 Naming the app and setting it up
Installing Heroku CLI
04:00 Downloading and installing Heroku CLI
04:30 Logging into Heroku via the command line
Preparing the Project for Deployment
05:00 Navigating to the project directory
05:30 Initializing Git repository and connecting to Heroku remote
Setting Up Buildpacks
06:00 Introduction to buildpacks
06:30 Selecting and configuring the appropriate buildpack for ASP.NET Core
Configuring Database on Heroku
07:00 Adding PostgreSQL to the Heroku app
07:30 Configuring PostgreSQL settings and credentials
Setting Up Connection Strings
08:30 Ensuring connection string matches Heroku credentials
Installing Required Packages
09:00 Installing Npgsql Entity Framework package
09:30 Ensuring all dependencies are installed
Deploying the Application
10:00 Pushing the code to Heroku
10:30 Monitoring the deployment process
Verifying Deployment
11:00 Checking if the application is live
11:30 Testing different pages to ensure they are working
12:00 Recap of the deployment process
12:30 Mentioning additional resources and links in the description
13:00 Encouragement to like, subscribe, and stay tuned for more videos
13:30 Farewell and motivational sign-off
🔨 Tools I used :
° Visual Studio 2019
° .NET 5
° Entity Framework Core
° Heroku Postgres
° DataBase Connection string::
Server={Host};Port=5432;Database={Database};User Id={User};Password={Password};sslmode=Require;TrustServerCertificate=True;"
Materials / References
Extensions for Vscode
#aspnetcore #dotnettutorial #deploy #dotnet
00:00 Welcome and thanks to new subscribers
00:30 Overview of the video: Deploying ASP.NET Core to Heroku
Overview of the Application
01:00 Running the application on the local machine
01:30 Brief explanation of the application's functionality
Setting Up Heroku Account
02:00 Creating an account on Heroku
02:30 Navigating to the Heroku dashboard
Creating a New App on Heroku
03:00 Creating a new app on Heroku
03:30 Naming the app and setting it up
Installing Heroku CLI
04:00 Downloading and installing Heroku CLI
04:30 Logging into Heroku via the command line
Preparing the Project for Deployment
05:00 Navigating to the project directory
05:30 Initializing Git repository and connecting to Heroku remote
Setting Up Buildpacks
06:00 Introduction to buildpacks
06:30 Selecting and configuring the appropriate buildpack for ASP.NET Core
Configuring Database on Heroku
07:00 Adding PostgreSQL to the Heroku app
07:30 Configuring PostgreSQL settings and credentials
Setting Up Connection Strings
08:30 Ensuring connection string matches Heroku credentials
Installing Required Packages
09:00 Installing Npgsql Entity Framework package
09:30 Ensuring all dependencies are installed
Deploying the Application
10:00 Pushing the code to Heroku
10:30 Monitoring the deployment process
Verifying Deployment
11:00 Checking if the application is live
11:30 Testing different pages to ensure they are working
12:00 Recap of the deployment process
12:30 Mentioning additional resources and links in the description
13:00 Encouragement to like, subscribe, and stay tuned for more videos
13:30 Farewell and motivational sign-off
🔨 Tools I used :
° Visual Studio 2019
° .NET 5
° Entity Framework Core
° Heroku Postgres
° DataBase Connection string::
Server={Host};Port=5432;Database={Database};User Id={User};Password={Password};sslmode=Require;TrustServerCertificate=True;"
Materials / References
Extensions for Vscode
#aspnetcore #dotnettutorial #deploy #dotnet