How To Set Up Google Drive On Mac ...The EASY Way!

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Learn how to add Google Drive to your Mac and sync your files using Finder.

#mactips #apple

if, like me, you prefer using Google Drive over iCloud then it’s really handy to be able to access your Google Drive documents directly from Finder. To achieve this you simply need to download Drives For Desktop, which you can access from your Google Drive website.

Having downloaded the installer, follow the prompts and install the app in the usual way. You’ll then be asked to sign into your Google Account and, having signed in, you want to start by opening Preferences.

Here you can opt to take a tour of the app's features, but for now we’ll dive straight in. By default, a Google Drive folder is added to the root of your Home directory. This Google Drive folder will sync with the online version of your account. If you wish to sync other additional folders, you can add them here. However, I find that adding various different folders starts to get a bit messy. I prefer knowing that the files I’m syncing to the cloud are all contained within my Drives folder. Clicking on this second menu option allows you to choose between streaming documents from your Drive or creating a copy of them. Streaming basically means that none of your Google Drive documents are ever saved locally to your Mac. When you open a document you’re opening the online version. This is useful for desktop users, who know their Mac will always be connected to the internet or if you’re short on storage space. Mirroring on the other hand is good for laptop users who might not always be connected to the internet. Mirroring creates a local copy of your Google Drive documents, which you can access offline. Local and cloud copies are synced automatically when your laptop is connected to the internet. Click OK and choose one of the two options. You’ll likely see some of these popup notifications, which you can close and then you just need to restart Google Drive.

That completed the setup process. Now, when you next open Finder you should see your Google Drive folder in the root of your Profile and a shortcut to the same folder in the Sidebar. As long as I’m connected to the internet, my Drives folder on my mac will automatically sync with my online account. If I want to upload a file to my Drive it’s simply a matter of dragging the file to my Drives folder in Finder. Give it a few seconds to upload and the file should appear in your online account. Likewise, any document or file I create online in Google Drive will automatically download to my Mac, So for instance if I create a new google doc, it should show up in Finder. Because I choose to create a mirror copy of my Google Drive, I can continue to access any of my existing files or create new ones even when I’m not connected to the internet. Once back online, any changes or updates I’ve made to documents will sync automatically.

Finally if you don’t see a shortcut to your Drives folder in your sidebar. Just navigate to your home folder and you can always drag it to the sidebar from there. Also you may notice this Google Drives folder under locations. This will show you the online version of your account and also any other computers where you have Google Drives installed. So here you can see that I am also using Drives on my MacBook and my Work PC. I can view the files I have saved to these computers and download any of the files by clicking this icon.
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Great tutorial. No time wasted. Thank you!

Straight to the point. Such a great video 💪


Thank you for your straighforward and very clear explanation!


I added my SSD to Google Drive for Desktop as a Folder so that when I'm offline, I can still access all my files offline in my SSD drive and this allows me to bypass using the "Mirroring" options. Once reconnected all my changes on the SSD will sync. I love this feature of the Google Drive for Desktop app!


Great tutorial, well explained thanks


love your teaching i am 74 and can still understand if i repeat the video often


How to make Google Drive appear in Locations? I'm looking for my synced file from Google Drive. Thanks in advance.


Hey fam...I cannot seem to add my drive to my desktop. Has it all changed or am I missing something?


Do I need to use the google workspace to download it? I don't see the same option as you show on the screen, only downloading for big or small companies :(


good video! does anyone know what app he uses to snap his widows to the left or right of the screen. I use Rectangle but want to know what he is using. Thanks 👍


I use streaming but it still take a lot of space from my computer when I first install (500 gb). Do we have anyway to make it use less?


What if I have made changes to a Page file without changing its name? Would Google Drive pick up on that sync automatically or do I still have to update it manually?


Instead of a green checkmark, it keeps showing me either a cloud or a cloud with an arrow down (not downloaded) or a clock. Any hints, please?


how did you split the screen quickly? can you tell me?


When I try to open the google drive app, it wants me to login with a browser, but only allows me to try to login to an old google work account I no longer have access to, with no way to switch accounts I'm trying to login to.


After I "Get Drive for Desktop" and complete the installation I don't get the prompt like you show in your video to sign into my account. I don't know how to get that prompt or complete the install. Anyone have this issue? Running Sonoma


are "shared with me" files appear in finder as well? Mine does not seem to appear


What's the purpose of adding another synced folder, I tried it and folder doesn't show up on google drive. What would you use it for ?


In my case it's says Google cannot be installed on this location.


I have two folders one that says, "Google Drive" and the second, "Google Drive (not syncing)." Does anyone know why this is, and how to fix it?
