Meanings of names starting with letter Z - Part 05

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Parents give a name to their newborn, or people adopt themselves a new name along their journey. Name is how we used to identify ourselves. But do you know that there could be a special meaning behind them? Presented to you by Word Theory, this video explains the meanings for the following 30 names: Zacchaeus, Zafira, Zaide, Zakius, Zamar, Zanayah, Zane, Zayd, Zaylah, Zayn, Zayne, Zeenat, Zekeriah, Zelimkhan, Zen, Zepherin, Zhuldyz, Zia, Ziair, Ziggy, Zinaida, Ziomara, Ziya, Ziyon, Zoei, Zohaib, Zorya, Zulay, Zulema, Zusman