Spyro Reignited Trilogy - Spyro 3 Part 37: Super Bonus Round + Credits

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Game Version At Time Of Recording: 1.02

The Super Bonus Round is the final realm in Spyro: Year of the Dragon and in the Reignited Trilogy remaster of the third game. It can be accessed in the Midnight Mountain homeworld after collecting all 15,000 gems and all 149 Dragon Eggs from the other realms.

When Spyro enters this realm, which is revealed as a mountainous and snowy with poisonous pink water all around, he is greeted by Bianca, who tells him that this place is where the Sorceress stashed all her treasure. However, thieves came and took some of it.

Spyro is known for being courageous, headstrong, eager and arrogant. He has an immutable sense of heroism, friendliness, and has a fiery personality. He has little concern for his own safety and can be irresponsible at times, being extremely curious and hardly ever cautious, which could get him into trouble. Spyro gets into lots of mischief and is known to be cocky, a trait that can lead to his downfall. He has become much more arrogant after the events of Spyro: Year of the Dragon, and in more recent outings, has actually denied help to those who did not expressly indicate that they would award him. Despite this, he still saves the world, even if it is not willingly.

Year of The Dragon Plot:
The game opens with a celebration in the land of the dragons, where Spyro and his kin are celebrating the "Year of the Dragon", an event that occurs every twelve years when new dragon eggs are brought to the realm. During the celebration however, Bianca invades the Dragon Realms with an army of rhino-based creatures called Rhynocs and steals all of the Dragon eggs, bringing them back to the Sorceress, who spreads the eggs throughout several worlds. The worlds are split up into four home realms: Sunrise Spring, Midday Garden, Evening Lake, and Midnight Mountain. Spyro, Sparx, and Hunter are sent down a hole to find the thieves and recover the dragon eggs.

While pursuing the thief, Spyro discovers a world once inhabited by the dragons, but long abandoned and forgotten. This world is under the iron-fisted reign of the Sorceress and her Rhynoc army. Spyro meets with Shiela the Kangaroo, Sergeant Byrd the Penguin, Bentley the Yeti, and Agent 9 the Monkey who help him on his quest. Shiela in particular tells Spyro how when the dragons left the realm, the world's magic began to dry up. Spyro travels through each world in the forgotten realm, acquiring aid from the local inhabitants and rescuing the dragon eggs. It is revealed that the Sorceress not only actually banished the dragons originally without realising they were the source of her kingdom's magic, but is seeking not the baby dragons themselves, but merely their wings to concoct a spell that can grant her immortality.

Spyro Reignited Trilogy is a platform video game developed by Toys for Bob and published by Activision. It is a collection of remasters of the first three games in the Spyro series: Spyro the Dragon, Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! and Spyro: Year of the Dragon. The game released on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on November 13, 2018.
Credit: Wikipedia

Cash App 💵: $MrFallior

00:00 Beating Up Moneybags
4:45 Super Bonus Round
9:48 16000 Gem Door
12:26 17000 Gem Door
29:36 Beating The Race
33:30 18500 Gem Door
36:25 20000 Gem BOSS Door
38:06 End Cutscene + Credits

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Nothing more satifying that flamming money bags for good
Feels good to get revenge


I got this game for Christmas!!! My fiance 100% cleared the fist game before I've even gotten to play it :D lol


Who needs therapy when beating up Moneybags exists?


You know Moneybag could easily escape if he just jump one of those portal instead of running around in one place like an idiot. Then again he was terrified of Spyro charged at him so he didn't pay attention where he was going


Thanks for the tip about the speedways, you were right. Much appreciated.


Thats pretty cool, sucks theres no super flame like the 2nd one, and you dont need to complete this for the Platinum


I’m honestly astonished! I’m stuck in the final world about to fight the boss. But the game lags too much and makes me physically ill. I got fed up and found your video on YouTube lol. At least now I know what happens!


The yeti race is when I quit playin Spyro YOTD when I was younger


Oh I love this video I wish I could watch it every single day I really wish I could so I still wish I could really wish I could a watch and now but I can’t I just wish I could really wish I could still wish I could stomach


And also when I played in the super bonus round I hit two flying saucers at the same time and also hit two thiefs at the same time


My mom got this game for Christmas but Baby billy (me) took it so I could play it..


the skateboarding in Spyro Reignited Trilogy is most easy for me i was 1st from 1 round in original spyro i was 1st in round 2. sorry for my english


All of those annoying skateboarding glitches are all caused by the remakes terrible skateboarding controls.. The original games have no issues like that whatsoever, this remake was rushed to fuck.


Gee, I wonder, is it nice to say that Spyro will fight the three main villains twice and fight darkspyro, who is more powerful. Darkspyro can control all living and nonliving objects by force, create a huge ball of lightning, and can fly at very fast speeds, to electrically charge his enemies and has a shadow-breath, that causes the least amount of damage. His electric ball of lightning causes enough damage that it can defeat you with one shot, spikes that defeat you instantly if you are not careful, and an electric charge, that by 4 fast hits, will defeat you. Why breath the shadow-fire if you can do Xeon-blue fireball shadow attack, he does this and causes a Xeon-blue tornado-fire. That tornado-fire plus the huge ball of lightning is not a pretty picture once you play rough. Besides, all enemies in this future game play like you, so don't let anyone play your copy, unless you want someone to have nightmares about losing all the time. Plus if you are extra brutal, consider the game a loss in the end.


What about 18, 000 and the 19, 000 door gem


I have finished everything and entered the four Sparks worlds, but I am missing 7 eggs and 500 gems. Is there a solution, please?


I need help, I have 94% where I collected everything in Spyro 3 including the Sparx missions. What am I missing??


Mommy got this for Christmas cards power but I took it


In the super bonus round I hit two subs at the exact same time
