HIFI & Home Theater Q&A LIVE Unplugged with Andrew & Kristi

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We receive a high volume of comments during livestreams which is why SUPER CHATs receive priority. Kristi answers NON-SC comments in the LIVE CHAT BOX when possible.

🤔 Why are Super Chats given priority?
We receive hundreds of questions during a live stream, and while we'd love to answer every question if we did, these streams would never end.

🤔 Do I have to pay for a Super Chat to receive an answer?
No. Kristi responds to non-SC questions live in the chat box whenever possible. For a guaranteed response from Andrew, please consider a Super Chat.

🤔 What are Super Chats?
Super Chats allow you to pin your comments on live streams, making them more eye-catching than ordinary comments in the chat box. SuperChats rise to the top, making them easier to see & answer.

🫵 MUST ATTACH your Question TO THE SUPER CHAT for it to be answered. SuperChats without a question or comment attached are considered a generous donation. YouTube limits the number of characters based on the amount contributed.

🤔 How to Ask a Super Chat Question
While the stream is live, select the $ symbol in the lower corner of the chat window to set a monetary amount and send a highlighted comment. SC's are answered in the order received. Your SC may appear to go away but rest assured, Andrew sees & answers them all. If you have to leave before your question is answered, be sure to watch again later. Your SC will be answered!

⚑ LINKS: Some links are affiliates. We may earn a small % if you use the link. It doesn't change the price for you, making it a great way to support the channel!

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*Thank you again to everyone who was able to tune in live. If you are curious about our livestream schedule, when we do them, they'll always air on Friday mornings during our usual Unplugged video time. We'll see you on Sunday with a new review! Enjoy your weekend.*


Also I believe full hearted, that Andrew and Kristi are nice people and are sincere about their reviews and I enjoy watching them even if I will probably never buy anything that they have there channel and that's only because I am a diy guy and a minimalist


FWIW Being a tinkerer and a modder and I Love my Cornwall IVs, I was able to ask Roy Delgado (via a dealer) what he would have used in the Cornwall's crossover if price was no object. His reply was "Whatever else you wanted to use, they would not be Cornwall IVs". My pair remains untouched.


Nice of you to apologize that much... but seriously: All you said was, that it doesn't matter what parts create great sound.
Getting offended is a personal thing. I think offending people with facts isn't something anyone should apologize for...
Have nice weekend ;)


Good job. You are a class act. Thanks.


Hi Andrew and Kristi. Your reviews and opinions are always honest and that's what i love about the channel. You will always get people who take offence at something you have said but for 99% of people out there who just want to buy a product that works and sounds good out of the box, you are usually spot on. I'm always turned off by other channels who claim that adding this or upgrading that will make a night and day difference. The vast majority of those who claim that night and day then caveat it with, "If you've spent multiple thousands of dollars treating your room etc. Far too many people claim a massive difference after upgrades when they really mean very subtle differences, half of which can be explained by confirmation bias to justify the costs involved.


I hope Andrew that you and Kristi gave each other a big hug after this live stream, I for one appreciate it's your job and that I and many many others enjoy all your content for FREE ! I think your lovely people keeping it real thank you for the channel, much love 😊


Andrew and Kristi I had to delay watching the latter portion of livestream but was really touched by the discussion of the efforts involved in your content production. It's easy to see how burnout begins to set in putting in 12 hour days 6 days a week. The quality of your content really shines through as a result of your attention to detail. I was really surprised when you discussed security concerns. It's really a sad commentary on our society when a YT AV gear reviewer has to resort to security measures out of safety concerns. Just wanted to show you two some extra appreciation for all the great content you provide. Thanks ❤


I’ve been watching for a couple years now and I often go back and watch videos from 3-4 years ago. Being able to listen to Kristi grow and develop her knowledge of components and the intricacies of being able to put her thoughts together and articulate them in a way that makes sense to the most discerning of viewers has been very impressive.

Never has it mattered that she is not on camera, I’d like to think that the people here care about the substance of the review and the thoroughness of the work that goes into it.

I’ll speak for everyone, Kristi, you do you, we’ll keep watching and listening regardless.


Hello from Sweden,
It saddens me a bit that you have to spend so much time apologizing and defending yourself. People lose sight of how subjective Hifi and music is.

You have the best Hifi show on Youtube, keep doing it. You are awesome. Thank you very much.


I really appreciate the brutal honesty and insight into your professional lives. Sad that you would have to go down this road. I wish your fellow youtubers would treat you as have treated them. And I hope you NEVER retire! Keep the videos coming!


I don't think you need to apologise for a common sense opinion. Any mass produced speaker for say, under $1000 will need to compromise on materials used in the crossover. If you worry about parts quality, then you'll need to look at spending in the next tier up where there's margin for better quality components. Chasing improvements buying kits for budget speakers isn't a cost effective approach. IMO. However, if you're a DIY enthusiast and this is your thing, then go for it.


Gee Andrew... I thought you'd be swayed by Danny's charms just a little bit, but it seems not. But I get it. It's simply not what you do. You are reviewing a product that people will buy, and you use it like 99% of people might use it. To go any further caters to the 1% of nutso's out there (like me) who want to dive into the belly of the beast and find out what makes it tick. We are a sick group in need of therapy, but the fumes of solder keeps us calm.


@andrewrobinsonreviews Sorry for not being able to listen live. Listen, you folks are a class act. Can't please everyone for sure. I'll say this - no one should be questioned when they work hard for an honest living. This is not 'free' per se ... but in some way it resembles a public service. Informative? Check. Entertaining? Check. Free to watch? Check. Beneficial? I think so, otherwise I wouldn't waste time. I click like and watch whenever I can. Thank you for your cool channel, and I'm positive many more folks feel like I do than haters who have nothing more to do than to poison the water. I love listening to music, and you make it even more lovable. All you need is love (I should write a song that says that ...). 🙃


Hi from Australia, thanks for everything you do, been following you folks for a while and really value both of you and your even handed, clear and genuine evaluations, sadly there seem to be a lot of people eager to be offended these days. On a happier note I congratulate you on treating your snake visitor with respect and consideration, I’m often relocating them off roads etc where I live. Please keep up the good work happy in the knowledge that you’re appreciated by the majority of us.


Thank you very much for what you both do for this community. Your channel has reignited my passion for this hobby and your reviews are some of the few I trust. Over the last few years since I have found your channel your channel has introduced me to products I never would have known about! Because of your excellent work, I have an Arylic S50 pro, Audiolab 6000a Play, and have owned a Cambridge AXA 35 that was just replaced with an AXR 100. Your reviews will directly influence my next purchase of a TV and any other products in this space. Thank you for not being beholden to the manufacturers, and providing honest reviews even when you know it’ll piss off the manufacturer. Don’t let the whiners get you down- you absolutely deserve to make a living producing this product we consume as viewers. Keep on keeping on! Thank you!


I think that you are under no obligation to be as transparent about your income or revenue streams as you two are. The people who criticize you and your channel would never ask those things if they were in front of you. People use the anonymity of the internet to spew nonsense and hate, regardless of whether they truly believe in what they say.

People think because they have a YouTube account they’re somehow in a position to dictate how you earn a living.

Unfortunately I’m also in a field that gets criticized relentlessly because of the actions of the few. I appreciate you stressing the importance of mental health. I would imagine the people who criticize you the way they do are struggling with their own issues and somehow find it cathartic to try to bring people down.

I’m sure I’m probably wrong, but when I heard you say $#!+ at the 3:12:35 mark, was the first time I’ve heard you use language like that, caught me off guard at first but you followed it up nicely a few minutes later. 😂😂


Song recommendation for your Klipsch Cornwall IV - Ryan Hiraoka: Perfectly Imperfect


don't sweat the GR-Research thing, I took your point as if you're buying a new set of speakers only to modify them to sound differently, then buy a different set of speakers. I think that's what you meant. I watched Danny's video yesterday and he definitely took it all to heart. Speaker builders design them to have a certain sound signature, regardless of graphs and charts. If you like it, great. If not, rebuild them yourself or buy a different set. Move on. I liked your video and agreed with a lot of it.


Audio\Car comparison: I own a bone-stock, manual transmission, 1993 Mustang GT. The fox body mustang is maybe one of the most modded, upgraded muscle cars ever. People increased the horsepower, better trans, better suspension, better stereo… I have left it as is, since 1999. Its only original once. And im so glad i never made any alterations. Are there better, newer cars w better modern components? Yes. Could i update this thing if i wanted to spend 30K or more? Sure. But as average as this old car is, theres something about strapping into it and driving the time capsule. Theres nothing wrong with upgrading a Mustang. But i never felt the need. Just me. Cheers.
