Hidden Signs He's Flirting With You

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I met a really nice guy who is extremely shy and he sent me generic messages almost every day. At first I was annoyed because I hate small talk, but I took a step back to pick up his vibes. If he was texting me at various times of the day, he must be thinking of me and had some sort of interest. Some me are very shy and are afraid of being rejected. Can't be rejected by saying hi 😂.

I don't like the generic messages, but I like the fact he's making an effort. Some men weren't taught how to talk to us. They learn as they go receiving lots of rejection along the way which causes them to be safe. Men have feelings to ladies. ❤


Hi little brother! The guy is definitely not interested in her. He must be "heying" and "hiing" with loads of other women. 💖


me 2. could not figure it out for a while, been together 3 months now. super happy.


Thank you for this segment. I learned and appreciate you. Keep posting please.


Matt your haircut looks good. I have a wonderful young man who is into flirting with me! He has been going out of his way to get near me and put his arm around me! Gosh he even called me girlfriend! He is so cute and very sweet! He gave me a really sexy hug once. But I am not sure because I am older than him. I am a 64 year old grandma and I think he's about 40. Do younger men really want to flirt with an older woman?


I had a similar circumstance recently. I tried to engage this guy but he only gave brief replies I was doing all the texting/talking. But then abruptly starting calling me cutie and love. This made me uncomfortable because we had never met in person and just seemed like too much! I told him why I didn't like it. I then blocked him. Maybe I over reacted. But I need to protect my Peace and sanity.


A guy did this to me but when i saw him at church then he ignored me


Hey, if a grown man can not simply approach a women and speak intelligently with confidence smh.


This is actually what my crush was doing 😉sending like whatever 😅 photo of his dog, or photo of his lunch etc 😊he is reaching out with anything .And you know what , I just love IT and waiting for his new idea of reaching out 😉and I showed him I love his messages 😍He s actually the kindest, the most empathetic MEN I ve ever met in my life .I m 40 and divorced 😅My nice Norwegian Man🥰Viking Man I call him😉I m Polish .We are so good together .Hope IT lasts .


How MATT! Let's go rock climbing! advice. Feel sorry for you! ❤ you obv need a trip away!


You are looking so handsome and you also remind me of my crush .We are trying to date now 😅


Soooo… I receive these, yet they haven’t progressed to being asked out on a date!?! How long is too long to receive only this type of ‘connection ‘ !!!
Thank ya!
~ Catt ❤️


Whenever I see Hiiiis and Hooos.and Heeeys, I say to myself what 's the matter with him ? is he ill ? Does he need to see a doctor? Why is he heying and hiing all women? Why doesn't he say what he really wants ?


YES, Why is this guy hiing and heying that lady? What does that mean everyone his and heys you- How would she know if she s special to him I don't hey and Hi all men, the cat, the dog, tje mice, the frogs, the birds -it's scary these Heys and his and hos. The only real thing us the
