Felicity's 1st Fun Match -- 16 months

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Given the fact that we have been obstacle training in earnest, max 2x a week, for 3mo, I couldn't be happier with how she's doing.

Her teeter's magnificent (self released one, but the rest were spot on). The Aframe was at 5'6", and the highest frame she'd been on to this point was the 4'0" you saw video of. We hadn't done it since the one time in the video. She is giving me the 2 strides very nicely, and each time on the frame she "got it" a little more. Her weaves definitely need some work in a more high-stress environment. I only trained them what you've seen in videos, so we have a lot of work to do insofar as a tunnel at the end, excitement in the air, etc, goes. The one set in the video, she does pop out at pole 11, but the ones she did were SO lovely :') She crashed some bars tonight, but it was more a case of either she never really took off for the jump, or I cued her over the jump. This is a baby dog thing that we'll fix as we train more. I have never put her over spread hurdles before, so you'll see I work those a little extra.

All in all, I was very happy with how she did at her first fun match. She's definitely one of those "strap yourself in, and be prepared!" kinda dogs. She's SO much fun to train (& now, I know, to run elsewhere!). There are 2 other fun matches this weekend. I just might hit up the one on Saturday, but for sure I'll be at the one at Dog City on Sunday.

Her startline stay behaviour is a new thing for us. She didn't generalize from the living room to the agility ring immediately, but I think in time, as we run more sequences, she'll put the two together. I liked to see, in the replay, how she was adding and omitting strides when necessary once she was really *thinking* about where she was going next.

A brilliant little thing with drive pouring out those ginormous ears of hers ;-) Just SO much fun :) When you're having this much fun -- does the rest really matter? ;-)

Stay tuned for more Fillie Fun in the Future!!
Рекомендации по теме

Very nice, so excited for you guys! She is coming along so well!


She looks great Emily! she reminds me somewhat of Josie!


Flawless Filly! I love that running A-frame.
