Mock test Pass! I Real Test Result At the End

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Say hello to Amber who took this Mock Driving test 2 days before her real driving test. Amber managed to get a cancellation test a few days before this and thought it was wise to get an idea of how she might cope on her driving test. Amber was motivated to practice her driving in her own car between driving lessons which really helped her natural driving ability.

Amber's Real Test Result At the End
0:00 Introduction
1:00 How would you know if there is a problem with the power assisted steering - Tell Me Question
2:10 The Hidden Fault
2:16 Start Of Mock test
2:20 Driving Test Tip 01
3:10 Flawless Mirror Checks
3:30 Sat Nav Tip
4:55 Driving test Tip 02
8:01 Driving Fault
9:36 How Many Cyclists...
10:15 Driving Fault (nearly serious)
10:50 Driving test Tip 03
11:30 Driving Fault
12:30 Driving test Maneuver
15:05 Driving test Tip For Rural Roads 04
18:35 Limiting Points Driving Test Tip 05
20:09 Anticipation And Awareness Of Signs Driving Test Tip 06
20 30 Stop Signs and Hills Driving Test Tip 07
24:48 New Roads and New Speeds Driving Test Tip 08
26:50 Hills and Speed Driving Test Tip 09
27:15 Driving Fault
31:01 Driving Fault
32:01 Driving Fault
35:21 The End Of test talk
44:30 The ACTUAL test Result

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Josh - your video's and attitude are brilliant! I stumbled across your channel doing some last minute revising - convinced I was going to fail my driving test the next day. Your confidence boost comment - "Your examiner wants you to pass - you start with 100%!" gave me the confidence I needed. I passed with two minors


Congratulations Amber on passing your driving test 1st time totally deserved to pass 👊😎🇬🇧


35 in a 30 would probably be a major if it was at the center in my home town. The instructors and examiners are really strict on that here, my instructor had a vein bulging on his head when I was doing 35 just before a 40 sign... glad he was strict on me because now I never speed up before reaching those signs


Let's not forget to congratulate and thank Josh the driving instructor who is amazing, always Jolly and interacts in conversation with the learner, very knowledgeable

Great Channel

Cheers Josh 👊😎🇬🇧


I don’t think I would have given her a fault (when meeting with the white car 09:14) as the obstruction was on their side of the road and they would have seen you oncoming too.. I would have given her an advisory.
11:58 driving fault was doing 31 mph in a 40.. excellent drive amber and congratulations 🎉


Love this channel. It’s really making me considering a career change. Nice one Josh 👍🏼


Congratulations on your pass Amber

I'd say Josh missed a driver fault on the right reverse.
When moving away Amber did initially check her left blind spot but then waited for the oncoming vehicle. Then moved away without checking her left blind spot again.


Absolutely superb video Josh. I'm 51 and getting ready to take my driving test after a 30 year gap. I failed 30 years ago for the most disgusting reason, and it destroyed my confidence and faith in the examiners. Now I'm ready to take my test again, and these mock test videos are huge confidence boosters. I was nervous for Amber lol. So pleased she passed. Well done Kiddo.


On my first test I was going 35 in a 30mph zone and the examiner told me to slow down… there I knew I had failed! After that I was in another 30 zone driving at 17mph and he said I was too slow (there was no traffic behind me)
My second driving test I was so focused on the speed that I passed with only 2 minors 🙏


I watched this video this morning before my test and it helped me pass my tell me question. It was the exact question my examiner asked me. It was good I watched it some few minutes to my test because I didn't know the answer 😅


Excellent drive by Amber, the white car at the road works should have give way to her, it was her side of the road

Well done Amber 👊😎🇬🇧


Kind of hard to see on a phone screen, but guessing the mystery fault was 28 in a 40?

The was fairly frequent under/over speeding, I'd definitely consider 37 in a 30 to be serious worthy, especially as it was a reoccurring issue.

Another one was checking mirrors/blindspot for merge-in-turns and a little bit of roundabout lane discipline.

Brushing the curb at 3mph, fair enough, but at 7mph... not worth the risk, just give more space and slow down.

A few instances of going into 1st as well, when the most appropriate gear was 2nd.

Near the end signalling before checking mirrors/blindspots, the van and car might have thought you were pulling out immediately.

Well done on getting it done on the real thing!


Well done Amber!

Josh, would you consider doing a video on country lanes, like the ones Amber did. A bit around the limiting point. Where I live there aren’t many roads like this. Although there is one I believe on a test route. I will ask my instructor to take me there. I think a video would be good insight before doing a road like that. Thanks in advance x


hi guys, watch all your vids josh, and ive been teaching now for around 18 months, i train similiar to you and have a laugh and me and my pupils probably swear too much lol, one thing i did spot mate, was her head restraint was too high and dangerous, petty i know, but i do know 1 examiner who would not be happy with that, i always give a serious on speed of 32 or more even if its just before the speed change, i call it tough love, but they soon get used to it, and as i say we do it all in a chilled way ..well done amber ..


22:27 she is doing 57 in a 50 zone while you are talking about her needing to get her speed up to 50. Looks like a clear fail as she doesn't know she's not in national speed limit but maybe the on screen speed is wrong?


Not really the type of person to comment. But I just wanted to say thank you very much for the videos I had my test today and passed 1st time with 2 minors. I watched a lot of your vids and helped me a lot with understanding what to do and what not to do.

Also well done amber🎉👍


Amber should have waited behind the parked car & waited until the oncoming car cleared the roadworks as they were already in the hazard - That would have been an instant fail. Also another major fault was she's either going way above the speed limit (at one point she was doing 36mph in a 30pmh) or like at 11:46 she was doing 28mph in a 40mph. All of those would have been an instant fail. When she did her reverse, before moving off she should have checked her mirrors & blind spots again. Other than those points her observations were excellent and she was safe & in control of her car, very good piece of driving 😊


It’s all about composure passed yesterday 1st try but you just need to relax and not think about it and focus on the task


S fault above 10% speed limit just before 40 signs as its law, however some may just fault if rest of test is good and fault at 11:43ish making progress. fault obs on reverse 2 car lenths no right sholder checks, could of had someone stood on the corner. she will pass tho if she keeps her head on, o nevermind lol just noticed she has passed well done to you both, greats vids josh.


I passed with 5 minors tour videos defo helped mate thanks 🚗
