C++ Tutorial for Beginners Ep#13 - Single & Multi-line Comments - SavvyNik

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C++ Tutorial for Beginners Ep#13 where we learn about Multi-Line and Single Line Comments and how to use them in C++. Comments can help with reminding yourself what you've created in a program. Comments are important tools in a C++ program that serve as reminders. Multi-Line C++ comments can also take out a portion of code temporarily for testing. Today we'll explore Single & Mult-Line Comments in depth and understand how and where to use them in C++.

When using Single & Multi-Line comments in our C++ code they are great for reminders, explanations, commenting out code, and mentions. Don’t over complicate the comments because no one wants to read paragraphs of information for simple lines of code. Assume that the person reading knows C++ and can read the code try sticking to a brief overview. Much like a email subject. If it’s a complex piece of code with many lines then you can go into more depth.

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Online Compilers:

Great List of Online C++ compilers:

Windows Compiler Tools - GCC (GNU Compiler Collection) MinGW64
Linux Compiler Tools - Build-Essentials (GCC)

Name of extensions installed:
1. Code Runner
2. C/C++ Intellisense

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Рекомендации по теме

Savvynik you are the best teacher of linux


Here's a great visual studio extension that goes great the the TODO comment (Todo Tree)
