Awesome Cardboard Crafts You Can Make at Home 😍📦

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Discover fun and easy DIY projects that transform simple cardboard into amazing creations! 🎨✂️

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◉ YouTube: / @thesoulsound

◉ 5-Minute Crafts: / @5minutecraftsyoutube
◉ 5-Minute Crafts DIY: ​ / @5minutecraftsdiy
◉ 5-Minute Crafts PLAY: ​ / @5minutecraftsplay

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5 minutes craft? No, its 1 week getting tools, clean cardboard and stuff


honestly i can’t lie some of theses are actually so smart


I'm gonna lie, I love these crafts


Ok I just looked at the comments and I was like thinking the same thing this does not take 5 minutes of anything it probably takes like 2 weeks to get all the stuff and build it if it’s not 5 minutes then maybe don’t call your Chanel 5 minute crafts and I agree with every single person that commented on this day it does not take 5 minutes because they are so so right!


5 minute crafts is always on point ❤😂😊


Like who wants teachers like that in their school.


Like who use 5 minute craft tricks to save time.


لقد خلق الإنسان ليعطي المجد لله. لكن للأسف، اختار البشر إرادتهم ولم يعطوا المجد المستحق للآب. يقول الكتاب المقدس: "إِذِ الْجَمِيعُ أَخْطَأُوا وَأَعْوَزَهُمْ مَجْدُ اللهِ" (رومية 3: 23 - نسخة الملك جيمس الأمريكية). الجميع مذنب بخطيئة البشر الأولين (آدم وحواء) ​​ونحن نرث منهم طبيعتهم الخاطئة. علاوة على ذلك، بسبب خطايانا، انفصلنا عن خالقنا. انظر ما يقوله الكتاب المقدس في إشعياء 59: 1 (نسخة الملك جيمس الأمريكية): "لكن آثامك قد قسمت بينك وبين إلهك وخطاياك سترت وجهه عنك حتى لا يسمع لك". لذلك نحن نستحق غضب الله (الذي هو رد فعل قداسة الله)، كما جاء في رومية 1: 18 (نسخة الملك جيمس الأمريكية الجديدة): "غضب الله معلن من السماء على جميع فجور الناس وإثمهم". الذين بإثمهم يحجبون الحق." ولكن هكذا أحبنا الله (يوحنا 3: 16 - نسخة الملك جيمس الأمريكية؛ أفسس 2: 4) حتى أرسل ابنه الوحيد (الذي هو واحد مع الله في الجوهر) الإنسان إلى الأرض ليتحمل عقوبة خطايانا، مُرضيًا عدل الرب انظر ما هو مكتوب في كلمة الرب: "(...) بدون سفك دم لا تحصل مغفرة" (عبرانيين 11: 23 جديد). (النسخة المتحولة) نتحرر من عقاب الله وننال الحياة الأبدية. أعمالنا الصالحة لا يمكن أن تخلصنا ولا تغفر لنا أمام الله لأنها لا تبطل جرائمنا ولا تدفع ثمنها (وهو اليقين الذي يحرك كيانك كله ) في يسوع وتخلص!
lqd khlq al'insan lyety almjd llh. lkn llasf, akhtar albshr 'iradthm wlm yetu almjd almsthq llab. yqwl alktab almqds: "'iidh aljamie 'akhta'uu wa'aewazahum majd allhi" (rwmyt 3: 23 - nskht almlk jyms alamryky). aljmye mdhnb bkhtyyt albshr alawlyn (adm whwa') ​​wnhn nrth mnhm tbyethm alkhaty. elawt ela dhlk, bsbb khtayana, anfslna en khalqna. anzr ma yqwlh alktab almqds fy 'isheya' 59: 1 (nskht almlk jyms alamryky): "lkn athamk qd qsmt bynk wbyn 'ilhk wkhtayak strt wjhh enk hta la ysme lk". ldhlk nhn nsthq ghdb allh (aldhy hw rd fel qdast allh), kma ja' fy rwmyt 1: 18 (nskht almlk jyms alamrykyt aljdyd): "ghdb allh meln mn alsma' ela jmye fjwr alnas w'ithmhm". aldhyn b'ithmhm yhjbwn alhq." wlkn hkdha ahbna allh (ywhna 3: 16 - nskht almlk jyms alamrykyt; afss 2: 4) hta arsl abnh alwhyd (aldhy hw wahd me allh fy aljwhr) al'insan 'ila alard lythml eqwbt khtayana, murdyan edl alrb anzr ma hw mktwb fy klmt alrb: "(...) bdwn sfk dm la thsl mghfr" (ebranyyn 11: 23 jdyd). (alnskht almthwl) nthrr mn eqab allh wnnal alhyat alabdy. aemalna alsalht la ymkn an tkhlsna wla tghfr lna amam allh lanha la tbtl jraymna wla tdfe thmnha (whw alyqyn aldhy yhrk kyank klh ) fy yswe wtkhls!


Seu ladrão e senha do cofre e ( 11, 6, 16


Man was created to give glory to God. But, unfortunately, humans chose their own will and did not give the glory due to the Father. The Bible says: “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23 - American King James Version). Everyone is guilty of the sin of the first human beings (Adam and Eve) and we inherit their sinful nature from them. Furthermore, because of our sins, we are separated from our Creator. See what the Bible says in Isaiah 59:1 (American King James Version): “But your iniquities have divided between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, so that he will not hear you.” Therefore, we deserve the wrath of God (which is the reaction of God's holiness), as stated in Romans 1:18 (New American King James Version): “The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of human beings who, through their unrighteousness, they suppress the truth." But God so loved us (John 3:16 - American King James Version; Ephesians 2:4) that He sent His only begotten Son (who is one with God in essence) in human form to Earth to suffer the penalty for our sins, satisfying the justice of the Lord. See what is written in the Word of the Lord: “(...) without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness” (Hebrews 11.23 New Transforming Version). be freed from God's punishment and receive eternal life. Our good deeds cannot save us nor forgive us before God because they do not undo our crimes or pay the penalty for them. faith (which is the certainty that moves your entire being) in Jesus and be saved!
