Charles Dickens's Children No.3 - Katey #charlesdickens

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Catherine or Katey Dickens, known as Lucifer Box for her fiery temper, was her father’s favourite as a child, but he barely spoke to her for two years after his bitter separation from his wife as he knew she was in contact with her mother.
Troubled by OCD, at the age of twenty, she escape the cheerless family home, by marrying Charles Collins an artist and writer, 12 years her senior and on her wedding day, her father wept into her gown, blaming himself for her entering a loveless marriage.
After Collins’s death she married artist Charles Perugini and they had a son, who died at the age of seven months.
The couple mixed in artistic and literary circles and Kate had a successful career as a portrait painter, exhibiting her work at the Royal Academy.
She was the main source of information for a book about her father that revealed his secretive affair with Nelly Ternan, but many refused to believe it.
She died in 1929 at the age of 89.
Music: JS Bach: Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring (Piano Performance by eldüendesüarez) CC4.0
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He was so very blessed to have a whippersnapper of a daughter like her. Too bad he didn't come close to deserving her!
I love Dickens' work, but the older I get the more difficulty I have even understanding ( let alone liking) the man.


I have always thought Dickens was very much a hypocrite. Hiding his affair so as to preserve his reputation and his treatment of his wife both smack of a man far too invested in his public image to care for the pain he inflicted on others. Even in crying at his daughter’s wedding he managed to make everything about him.


We like to idolize those who excel in their art, but they're as human as the rest of us. It's how he's able to write so aptly about the human exerience, the common denominators that connect us. To humble himself in front of his daughter was admitting his faults in the matter. He's not all bad and not all good, making his works accessible.


I Can’t Imagine My Father NOT Being In My Life For 2 Years, He Passed In 2020❤


Thank you for these extra shorts on those related to your longer videos. They are fascinating. Happy holidays!


In the book, "Dickens and Daughter, " which you mention, Kate Perugini is quoted as saying that her father was "a very wicked man." I can prove that Dickens was a full-blown sociopathic personality, and that he plagiarized "A Christmas Carol" from an American couple named Mathew Franklin Whittier and Abby Poyen Whittier.


Charles was a great author & humanitarian. But like so many outwardly caring famous people, he was a monster at home. He had his wife put away, saying she was insane, & did not allow his children to see her. All
that evil done to his family, so he could be with another woman.


2 yrs wasted...not speaking...dreadful...😥 great to hear ya tho !!
