Sen no Kiseki III OST (First Volume) - Things to Tell You

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Music: Things to Tell You
Composer: Takahiro Unisuga (Falcom Sound Team jdk)
Album: The Legend of Heroes: Sen no Kiseki III Original Soundtrack (First Volume)
Platform: PlayStation 4

Copyright© Nihon Falcom Corporation
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"Juna, the members of the Special Support Section are, without a doubt, heroes. I can't help but think that each of them are truly great people. Him included. But are you okay with simply looking up to them forever? Right now, they're trapped. Unable to protect their home. So who's going to protect Crossbell in their absence?"


Why do they always deliver with the music, it's unreal. Every time I hear one that I like, I just stop, take a deep breath and listen to the music for a while.

Edit: Ever since I've played the game from Trails in the Sky, Zero and Azure to Cold Steel. There is an innumerable number of moments that has left me tearing up, from being sad and devastated, to being happy and relieved. But there's always one sad thing that I am always bracing myself for, it's when this series end and all I'm left with is how the entire journey felt like a fleeting dream.


the scene of the end of chapter 1 got me after playing all the sky if Joshua saw that he would be tearing up


I'm probably gonna cry like millium when the series end forever


Trails series has a lot of touching BGM, sometimes I would think trails BGMs are more emotional than FF series


"I was thinking about what I wanted to say, when I saw you again. But the moment I saw your face, I forgot every word."

"I see. I think it has been over a year since we last saw each other. You've become so much more beautiful in that span of time, I nearly didn't recognize you."

"You've changed a lot yourself. But seeing you now and hearing your voice made me remember all over -- how important you are. To me. T-to all of us... I'm so happy Rean, it's good to see you again."

"Thank you, Alisa."

This is what this song reminded me of... until Sharon broke the tension by saying not to be surprised if Rean and Alisa share a kiss or two while accompanying that passionate embrace.


My heart is got a tickle when I hear this song everytime 🥴👉💗


This song hit hard when Rean found Renne talking to the Hayworths in CS 4.


On the third game now and cant wait for the 4th!!! This song stops me in my tracks every time I listen to it


Just got payment confirmation of IV. So close till it's out. Can't wait to see Lloyd again.


Aurelia: It pleases us all to have you grace us in good health, Your Highness.
Olivert: You'll have to direct your thanks to the many others who helped this come to pass. Our endgame is nigh, Rean. Should you wish it, my wings are prepared to lift you to a new path.
Juna: Ah...
Sara: Heehee...
Rean: It would be our honor, Your Highness. But before that--on behalf of us all... Welcome back.
Olivert: It's good to be back. Now then. Ladies and gentlemen; Liberlians, Crossbellans, and Erebonians alike. Welcome aboard the second successor of the high-speed cruiser Arseille: the Courageous II!


This is one of the saddest songs you can hear it gives you nostalgia and sadness the memories that they All have shared the good and bad times the bonds they have shared I'm sad that this will be the end of class 7 both old and new


some part of this song reminds me at the last boss fight theme from the second game. 0:13 just awesome. its literally a part of the memoires the, all gathered fron the ending of the last adventures in the old schoolhouse. one of the best.


Thank you for all the good songs Unisuga.


Soon it'd be time for them to leave the academy and soar on their own wings. Rean was proud beyond measure, but he couldn't abate his own sadness.
"So this is how I'll feel every year from now on... Guess I chose the hard road again"


If I played this game years ago when I was an emotional person, then I might have some tears. But I don't have tears now. Do I become less human-like?


this track hits me the most hard when Juna start talking about Lloyd and the gang :(

though it's been played so many times prior to crossbell field exercise. i just can't really get emotionally invested in OG or new Class VII, there're just too much of them i felt like their character development is shallow compared to sky or crossbell MCs. So much stuff happening yet so little development.
