Brexit. Lord Frost on the origin of the Northern Ireland Protocol. Re-writing history

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It's a pity that Lord Frost didn't repeat to Poly Exchange what he said to Euronews in 2016, as follows -

- “About 40% of what we export goes to Europe. If we leave the European Union then we are going to see administrative barriers brought up. If there is a Brexit we will lose access to the European Union Free Trade Agreements, that is clear".

- “If the UK then will need to renegotiate its own agreements, clearly that is going to take time. Our interest is to be part of the biggest possible market with the fewest possible barriers".

- “The European single market gives us that. The European free trade agreements gives us that. Why would we want to depart from that?”

Source - The National (Scotland)

Proof that leopards can change their spots


The backstop would have prevented a customs border between the UK and the EU and retained the SPS border between GB and the Island of Ireland until a solution for border controls was found.


For Tories it was what separated Johnson's Oven Ready Deal from the rejected May backstop. _That's_ how you got the protocol. End of.


With regard to the consent mechanism in NI there's two forms of consent. Cross community consent, which if applied in respect of the NIP would have given the Unionists a veto or a simple majority which the Government of Ireland agreed to.

A majority of MLAs in the last NI Assembly and in the new Assembly are in favour of the NIP being implemented.

Neither the DUP nor the UK Government had any concern about cross community consent in NI when it came to implementing brexit.


"We pushed through a deal that wasn't perfect" - guess what? That's how deals work. No one gets what they really want unless they are truly massive. Like the EU is versus


Frost doing what English are world leading in. Re-writing history, sometimes even when it is not even history yet.


Frost is an object lesson in all that has always been most disgusting about Britain to most outside observers. The arrogance and sheer reality-denying stupidity of the man is evident with every sentence, but that which outsiders have also never failed to notice is that for Frost and his like to get away with this stuff rooted in egregious levels of deception and dishonesty, in fact even to be honoured for having churned it out, depends on an audience who are equally arrogant and obtuse themselves. He is not just an advertisement for how thoroughly deluded and offensively exceptionalist a society Britain is, he is the proof of it.


Ooh! I understand the breakdown. I had one listening to him...


The Big Big mistake that was made, was, at the outset of the Brexit campaign. No way, should the Guarantors of the G.F.A allow the G.B Govt to take N.I out of the E.U. That was a glaring breach of the G.F.A, since consent was ignored. The subsequent Brexit vote gave a 56.8% for remaining, also ignored by the Brits. Frost has a selective and deceitful memory of events.


Funny use of words. "I was the negotiator" (Huzzah, praise be me!) when "it was agreed". Was agreed. So passive. So something that like totally happened outside of his control. Was the negotiator not supposed to be in control?


Lol 😆 You promise unicorn but you barely brought a donkey.
Good one!
As for Lord Frost, amazing that you can get paid for after dinner speech’s after helping to negotiating the worse deal in history for the UK.


What a bloody mess the whole thing is! 😞


These people sucks when they win or lose.


If I stand at the Ferry Port at Larne looking across towards Scotland what body of water am I looking at .
British Territorial waters.
The North Channel.
Not the Irish Sea.
Which is further South.


great content maj, watched to the end, honestly, you have got patience analysing this. they are all charlatans. they negotiated the whole thing and sold it as the best, now they are complaining about what they said is the best.

i need pain killers, this is painful to hear. 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


The NIP is now Ulster Unionism's best hope of NI remaining in the union with GB. As long as there's no customs and SPS border on the Island of Ireland many Nationalist are content with the status quo.

Once there's a return of a customs border and the introduction of a SPS border between ROI and NI Nationalist will agitate for a border poll.

We'll know whether these's a Nationalist or Unionist majority when the 2021 NI census (which was due to be published in March) is published in June


Thanks for the excellent video. Still refocus, and Frost is a glorious success. He is a Lord, he get’s to give paid speeches, and we know his name.


You're not really going to call Frost your Lord and master because Boris told you to?