Sage of Quay® - Mike Williams - The Beatles' Rubber Soul: The Unofficial Narrative (Feb 2024)

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Mike analyzes the Rubber Soul story and demonstrates how it supports his conclusion that the Beatles did not compose all their music or perform on all their recorded tracks.


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I introduced PID to my students, and in spite of all the evidence, and their inability to adequately counter it, they still remained normies and rejected it. Imagine what they would say to the notion that they did not even write or play on the records! You can lead a student to knowledge, but you cannot make them think.


I cannot wait to go home and listen to this. You are the best.


I was a Beatles fan since I was a kid, buying my first singles from about '66 or '67.
I watched their movies, saw their interviews, and listened to their records.
In the seventies, I started reading about the Paul is dead conspiracy, and I found it highly possible, as well as a possible explanation of the immense change in their sound in that era.
I enjoyed all their music well enough, but I always loved the early Beatles much more3 than the late Beatles.
Also, as I was learning to play their music, I became skeptical of all their talent at such a young age.
I found song writing secrets in their songs, but I was amazed that they said nothing about them. When they were talking about writing songs, it was always about lyrics, and never some of the clever harmonic tricks, which I found were also used by other song writers like Gordon Lightfoot.
You could describe the tricks without using formal music language, but by describing how to use fretting positions on the guitar.
I think it would have been possible for them to write a lot of songs by using a bag of tricks concerning fret positions on the guitar, rather than formal harmonic music theory, and they might guard song writing secrets like that, as some song writers seem to do, but they don't even mention writing songs by experimenting with fret positions.
Later, I read that Adorno, who owned the Beatles music because he wouldn't sell music he wrote, which he was doing by back engineering them from Classical music. Many Classical musicians took original, ancient peasant songs and fleshed them out into symphonies.
Witnesses said Adorno could crank out a hundred songs in an hour, and he was selling them to many of the bands in the era. The music died in the early seventies shortly after he died in August 1969, before the Beatles last photo shoot.
Within a couple of years, Don McClain had the song about the day the music died.
That sixties and early seventies sound, the great hits of that era, did seem to peter out at about that time.
You must be familiar with the site that shows some of the original classical music that some of the Beatles songs came from. "Blackbird" is unchanged, note for note. And numerous other songs are very obvious.
The funny thing is that this issue was very important to the younger generation at the time.
They needed to believe their pied pipers were geniuses.
I wasn't more than six years old when I had a dispute with a friend. We both liked the Beatles, and I said I liked the Monkees too. He had utter disdain, the artistic arrogance of a seven year old, for the Monkees, because they were "fakey" and they couldn't play their own instruments.
I didn't really care who played the instruments - I liked the sound, but I couldn't get him to admit he liked the sound.
He would ignore the Monkees because they were fakey, but he had enormous respect for the Beatles because they were genius.
It was all important to even a seven year old kid.
So, why would they fake?
Why was it so important to have youth leaders for a youth movement, and not just more of the old tin pan alley professionalism of the corporations?
They had to fake it.


Fabulous I can share this to all my newly awakened.


Once it became clear the Beatles were not REQUIRED to write their material but that their primary jobs were to record the vocals, do public appearances, movies, interviews, to provide all the VISUALS, etc, it seems to me that they were likely quite comfortable with NOT HAVING TO WRITE NEW MATERIAL since they knew that that part of the equation was already being done for them. I have to also think that they knew goddamn well that the new material being handed to them was infinitely superior to anything they themselves could possibly compose.


The "guitar solo" in Michelle was actually a keyboard played by George Martin.


Mike, question: if we accept the idea that the instrumental tracks were prerecorded for the Beatles to record vocals over, what's to prevent us from also considering the possibility that at least SOME of the vocals WERE ALSO PRERECORDED BY VOCALISTS WHO COULD IMPERSONATE THE VOCAL SOUND OF EITHER JOHN OR PAUL OR EVEN GEORGE??


What stands out for me is the real Liverpool accent of Paul here which sounds completely different to the later Billy.


I just read the Memoir of Billy Shears - after seeing your interview with David Nino Rodriguez. I loved it!!! Not really shocking to me because I have been awake for around 8 years now, so hearing this info doesn't surprise me very much. Almost everything has been an illusion.


You of course touched on this Mike, but as a songwriter myself I know only too well that just because you're a songwriter doesn't mean that every single thing you compose is gonna be "top shelf" grade stuff. This phenomenon strongly argues AGAINST the narrative that the Beatles were capable of cranking out #1 hits one after the other as if it was no more difficult than changing shirts.


im a musican/studio engineer of over 30 years and i find that just by listening to these guys speak, its apparent to me that they didnt write any of those sophisticated songs. they just sound dopey and uninspired. ive worked with tons of super creative folks and theyre just a different breed. These guys aint it.


At this point Mike only the truly willingly ignorant “believers” are clinging to the story. I don’t even blame them. It’s a ray of light in a grey world. I’d rather know the truth though and can still enjoy the music. Peace


Paul Weller announced his new album "66" today, to be released on "May 24" which is 66 in reverse ordinal. These people...


Thnx Mike. I'll keep promoting your work because I think you do a magnificent job.


All that is hidden will come out but it has been out this whole time. It’s people’s mind opening up to truth and that is by the Grace of God . There are chosen people who lead others to think about what is right vs wrong , we have been blinded so long . Thank you Mike being that chosen person to allow people to be in the fight for truth.


"under the gun", perhaps that's why the album is called Revolver? Another v v interesting vid. Thank you.


Mike, you’re a national treasure!
xoxo The Clarences


Such a great point about the idea that EMI and George Martin would allow a recording session for a X-mas season release (or any release for that matter) to go forward with the hope/idea that the lads would pull it off in the end. Really absurd when you get down to it. Rubbish.


I have been seeing the damage control on the Beatles Bible site, I have been doing my due diligence to drop as many truth bombs as I can. Keep up the excellent work Mike!!
