Afterlife 2022 - He Died & Met God & Hitler

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#Afterlife, #Heaven, #Afterlife2022


I would not have thought that God would use these NDE experiences here on You Tube (I had not intentionally seeked them out) when he was drawing me back to Him. And it was not the only thing, the Holy Spirit was telling me “surrender” and I knew I could not resist it….yes, there is a spiritual war for us but the battle has already been won! I literally felt a resistance just trying to close my eyes to pray, the first time in decades, but He helped me through that act of obedience and now His work of renewing me has begun again. His mercy and grace is indescribable! The perfect love of Jesus, which clearly I never truly understood, came through these testimonies and caused me to seek Jesus when I had ignored Him for so long. I know I deserve hell, eternal separation from all God is. But I accept His forgiveness, His mercy, His grace, His admonishing, the renewal He is doing in me. When I don’t know how to handle something, I focus on the character of God. Then the answer comes. How did I live so long without Jesus? It can happen, even if spending my first 20+ years going to church. Nearly 40 years has passed and I slowly edged Him out of my life. There is evidence He never left my side and by His grace He has called me back. Thank you Randy and all of those who are spreading the hope, love, joy, peace and goodness Jesus Is! It is not in vain. God is using this platform and reaching those of us who fell away. To God be the glory!


Brian I can picture that in my mind. So powerful!!!


Great! Can't wait! Will it be available here as well ? Or only those who attend the conference can watch?


Thank you for sharing your precious time in Heaven with our Saviour Jesus, and The Father and what was put on your heart.


Randy, I am not going to be able to watch the virtual conference live due to traveling, but if I pay the fee will there be a link available for those in that situation to be able watch it when they can?
