Red Hot Chili Peppers - Eddie (Official Audio)

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Creative Director: @auraT-09
Live Video Director: George Elizondo
Video Engineer: Shane Watson
Crew Chief: Mike Wilson

#ChiliPeppers #Eddie #ReturnOfTheDreamCanteen #RHCP
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That guitar solo is the perfect example of why everyone missed John. So much emotion in his playing.


My dead son Austin was a huge RHCP fan because of me and I am regretful that Austin couldn't get to hear this song in tribute to Eddie and this new RHCP album. He missed it by 2 months damnit. Lovely tribute and I hope Austin can hear it from up there....We had plans to go see them on this new tour and life had different plans. RIP Austin and Eddie.


"Doing that solo was a mind fuck, I'll tell you that. And it was the last solo I did out of all the 48 songs we recorded. I saved it for last, because the idea of having a song about Eddie Van Halen, you're basically saying to people, "Think about Eddie Van Halen." And then when it comes to this long guitar solo at the end, you're going "Now watch this!" And I did not like that idea. I was even thinking of cutting the solo entirely, because I did not know how to go about it. I was trying for a while, and I wasn't happy with anything I was doing. I was either going too far in the Eddie Van Halen direction, to where it was too busy and there was too much two-handed tapping and it didn't sound like me, or I was just doing it and it only sounded like me... in a song about Eddie Van Halen.
I just turned off my mind and stopped thinking about it. I stopped being self-conscious about the idea that the song was about Eddie Van Halen and just did what was natural. We were recording, and I took maybe a 15-minute break. And when I came back in, I just did the whole thing in one take. Whatever Eddie Van Halen is in there, it's just there because of my love for his playing since I was eight years old."

John Frusciante - Guitar Player Holiday 2022 Issue


this is the best song they've made in years. absolutely stunning


This could easily be disguised as a song from Stadium Arcadium. These guys age perfectly while still keeping their old essence from previous albums.


Such a lovely tribute to the man himself. R.I.P Eddie Van Halen.


This is actually one of the best songs they’ve ever made.


nothing here just the best one of the last 15 years. I just can't express how I love Frusciante, it's something out of this world


John and Flea together are like magic.


The live performances of this song are going to be face melting



I sail in the sunset's trail
I'm a bit of a king
Granny would take a trip
I've been bending the strings
Got hammers in both my hands
Such a delicate touch
They say I'm from Amsterdam
Does that make me Dutch
Please don't remember me
For what I did last night, oh
Please don't remember me
Love them children
Please don't remember me
It's only 1980, it's only 1983
Smoking the reefer
Feeling my own light
My brother's a keeper
I married a TV wife
The devil's Camaro
Parked in the high school lot
A little sombrero
'Cause teacher was way too hot
Please don't remember me
For what I did last night, oh
Please don't remember me
Listen to Lord now
Please don't remember me
It's only 1980, it's only 1983
Tell my love but leave me never
Can't complain about the weather
Snowing at the rainbow, have a ball
Cut my teeth down at the whiskey
GTOs tried to kiss me
One more song, they have seen it all
Please don't remember me
For what I did last night, oh
Please don't remember me
What'd I say, oh
Please don't remember me
It's only 1980, it's only 1983
Please don't remember me
For what I did with David
You know I'm talkin' David Lee
Am I ready?
Please don't remember me
For what I did last night, oh
I guess I played a Flying V


Man, Frusciante finds some crazy fantastic unique tones for the guitar, he's a master on that. And this song is amazing, I love it. The whole band is unbelievable. Thank you guys, because of you a kid at 9 years old decided to learn how to play guitar and is still playing now with 33.


I swear I don’t know what I love more, John’s therapeutic guitar playing or how beautifully his back up vocals compliment Anthony’s voice. His return to the Pepper’s has been such a gift!


This is the essence of RHCP
00:00 By the way
00:04 Californication
00:30 Snow
02:34 Zephyr
04:06 Chorzów final jam
04:30 Slane Castle parallel universe outro


watching John play this solo live was one of the most amazing moments of my life. I just couldn't believe what I was presenting. I'll never forget that


I like how John was in Eddie's zone.
Tapping, dive bombs, squeals etc.
Done tastefully in honor of the master.


I sail in the sunset strip
I'm a bit of a king
Granny would take a trip
I've been bending the strings
Got hammers in both my hands
Such a delicate touch
They say I'm from Amsterdam
Does that make me Dutch
Please don't remember me
For what I did last night, oh
Please don't remember me
Lord and the children
Please don't remember me
It's only 1980, it's only 1983
Smoking the reefer
Feeling my own light
My brother's a keeper
I married a TV wife
The devil's Camaro
Parked in the high school lot
A little sombrero
'Cause teacher was way too hot
Please don't remember me
For what I did last night, oh
Please don't remember me
Listen to Lord now
Please don't remember me
It's only 1980, it's only 1983
Tell my love but leave me never
Can't complain about the weather
Snowing at the rainbow, have a ball
Cut my teeth down at the whiskey
GTOs tried to kiss me
One more song, they have seen it all
Please don't remember me
For what I did last night, oh
Please don't remember me
What'd I say, oh
Please don't remember me
It's only 1980, it's only 1983
Please don't remember me
For what I did with David
You know I'm talkin' David Lee
Am I ready
Please don't remember me
For what I did last night, oh
I guess I played a Flying V


Man flea slapping the bass while John gets down on the guitar with chad on the drums and Anthony on vocals this song slams hard


I can’t stop playing this song. It gives touches my soul.

I grew up with Van Halen. I was 13 when 1984 was released. Still one of my all time favorite albums.

I was devastated when Eddie died. A legend gone way too soon.

Thank you RHCP for making this beautiful tribute to EVH.


The Fact That No-one is Talking about Fleas Bass is Exactly what Makes Him So Amazing, He's the Rug That Brings The Room Together, I Wish i Could Snowboard That Bass Line!!!!
