How can we cut down on packaging without harming Toy Collecting?

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Scott Toy Guru Neitlich from Spector Creative puts forth a proposal to compromise between toy packaging without plastic and the need to maintain the price value and collector aspect.
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The solution to this problem is abundantly clear!!! Transparent aluminum!!!


It never clicked that the chest bubble on the MOTU card was to hold the figure in place! How clever!


Or change the plastic trays for cardboard, like the companies are already doing. Just bring back the plastic window.


Just last night I was opening a few Black Series and Legends, broke down all the cardboard, and still wound up with a full trash bag of nothing but inner blister trays. Helped me to see the validity in the point Scott is making


I agree with your solution. I hate dealing with the inner blister. Sometimes it's really tough getting the figures out of those. I would prefer they did away with that and kept the outer blister for the packaging.


If they went back to the package like they had in the 80s it’d also eliminate figure swaps


I really like your solution. Not only does it eliminate waste, but I imagine that it would be less expensive for the companies to produce, as well as labor. Someone from having to put it in the rear plastic as well as tie those stupid bands around the limbs. On top of that, it saves the frustration of having to cut the stupid bands.


I just checked and The Mercantile Exchange is amount an hour north of me. If I’m ever in the area I will definitely check it out!


Have the plastic window and the figures secured with twist ties in the box. Figures have the twist ties and plastic in box already. I think this is also a way for companies to save cost, other than about recycling.


Put them loose in vending machines in stores. For an additional dollar you get a decorative themed fold-it-yourself cardboard box/stand to put the character in.


I mean there were almost no blisters trays for the orginal SW figures and they seem to be in good shape without them. There were rare exceptions,


Great video! Thank you!

As both a collector and someone who trained as an environmental field biologist, I can see both sides of the issue with a lot more detachment than a lot of the people throwing tantrums about this being the worst thing ever to hit collecting. And you're right -- there are several solutions to this issue, and people are being WAY too binary about it.

Personally, I'd like to see as much plastic as possible go from the packaging. And if anyone has concerns about toy-swapping, just order most of your stuff from reputable online stores. In all my 20+ years of ordering from places like BigBadToyStore, Entertainment Earth, and Forbidden Planet, I've only ever gotten ONE thing that was ever in the wrong package, and that was a MOTUC Sorcerss that was openly sold AS a Sorceress in a MOTUC Fisto mailer box. And I got a slight discount for it.


Personally I don't mind the closest boxes. As long as the picture is good. 👍


It’s funny to think back to the toybiz marvel legends plastic clamshell boxes. Some of those boxes are massive.


Good morning from Kannapolis North Carolina


The best solution is for all of us to get x-ray vision. But that brings up a whole other set of problems including homo sapien still being stuck on version 0.1.


Looking at that Hoth Battle set, that is something that, to me, could be in a completely closed box. I bought a GI Joe set like that, and it was a complete pain to remove all the figures, and hen was left with a ton of needless plastic.
I think people would be more accepting with better distribution and availability. If there was enough product, even if you got a wonky pain job or swapped figure, you could take it back and exchange it. In reality, you get ONE chance. I barely see new figures on pegs, and if I do, it’s once. There’s no second chances.


that is a good idea. I also remember a lot of theft with just the outer blister though. I can remember tons of starting lineups like John Elway and others with missing helmets. That was a major problem for a Denver broncos fan looking for that one sports figure of your hero and he does not have a helmet. A dishonest person could simple rip the blister off and have five finger discount.


As an example my wife loves the Grogu character, and I buy her merchandise of him.
She's collected the first 3 waves of the Bounty Hunter Collection, and displays them unopened, with the figure on view. As the 4th wave is in solid boxes, she has no interest and hasn't got them.
I know this isn't much, but it has cost Hasbro sales.


Let start a letter campaign to tell them to get rid of the inner blister. And only use the single blister.
