moving to london q&a - my experience, tips and regrets!

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Twitter: @_evebennett
Instagram: @evebennettxx
TikTok: @evebennettxxx
✰ FAQ for you curious people ✰
How old are you? 22, my bday is Jan 11th
What did you study at uni? German and Spanish at the University of Oxford
How tall are you? 5“4 and a bit :)
Why do you say mom if you’re British? Everyone in my area grew up saying it that way :)
✰ Camera Equipment ✰
Editing Software: Final Cut Pro
~Links marked with a * are affiliate links!~
i am so so so grateful for you, yes you! right now! reading this! you are amazing! have a great day! :)
Use code EVE for your first month for only £2.90 and 10% off your second month. Usually £19.99
Twitter: @_evebennett
Instagram: @evebennettxx
TikTok: @evebennettxxx
✰ FAQ for you curious people ✰
How old are you? 22, my bday is Jan 11th
What did you study at uni? German and Spanish at the University of Oxford
How tall are you? 5“4 and a bit :)
Why do you say mom if you’re British? Everyone in my area grew up saying it that way :)
✰ Camera Equipment ✰
Editing Software: Final Cut Pro
~Links marked with a * are affiliate links!~
i am so so so grateful for you, yes you! right now! reading this! you are amazing! have a great day! :)
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