The Ultimate Beginners GUIDE to Tombs of Amascut (Raids 3 OSRS)

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Oldschool Runescape Raids 3 Guide #Runescape #OSRS

➡️Friends Chat in-game - KriibusRS

To solve all the puzzles, download a runelite plugin - "Tombs of Amascut"

00:00 Introduction
01:04 Gear & Inventory
04:47 Invocations
07:50 Before you enter raids
08:43 Zebak
13:06 Kephri
19:28 Hydrate
19:41 Helpful Spirit
20:47 Akkha
26:41 Ba-Ba
31:56 Helpful Spirit 2
33:27 Warden P1
35:00 Warden P2
38:52 Warden P3
44:40 Miniquest

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Such a wholesome guide. More players relate to being mid-game trying late game content than people realize


Dude you are the man. This guide helped me a ton. Not just the mechanics but having the confidence to even try raids. I am absolute garbage tier at the game, never even tried to get a fire cape till I was way over leveled since I’m so bad at prayer flicks etc, but I’ve almost completed a raid now! (Only took a couple attempts to get to final phase of warden.) thanks so much for putting the time into this!


I’ve watched a lot of guides and this hands down is the best I’ve seen so far


Got me my first clear after one failed attempt to wardens p2. Few things I'd say:

Not super important, but for Akkha, the style you pray against is what the style you use is strong against. I think the guide implied it, but to make it clear: if you need to use ranged, ranged is strong against magic so pray magic. I basically spoke that whole thing out loud while doing the runs on every switch and found myself having little issue keeping track.

The invocations have changed slightly, making the ones in the video only 45. I added Ba-ba's 'Gotta have faith' invocation, since I found dealing with the baboons easy enough and the slight hit to prayer on one boss if you get randomly hit by a sarcophagus attack if you have to be near the sarcophagus in the situation where the baboons killed it to be niche enough to be an easy pick.

Death mechanics weren't mentioned: when you die, you get 4 healing items that restore hp and prayer. If you think a run will be tight, it might be worth suiciding to get these to push towards the next spirit.

Overall, very helpful, especially getting to see a genuine mid level account with entry level gear doing the run. I wasn't intending on doing ToA so soon, but I was like 'fuck it, lets jump in' after watching this, which is... exactly how a guide should make someone feel. I'd advise other people who want to try to do the same as me: watch one section, then do that section. Don't try to learn it all at once, and instead focus on really understanding the one section you are doing.

Get some better visuals and all that other polish with the same approach to content as this and you'll blow up for sure.


I’m a 119 combat level noob trying this for the first time. This guide is by far the most useful guide for me. Yes I have some slightly different gear set up but this guide is perfect! Thank you


This is by far the best beginners guide out there for ToA, it doesn't overcomplicate things and keeps it simple. Easy to follow with the added timestamps as well in the progress bar. The added fact you're using SUPER low grade gear and also having poor stats lets us know it isn't just the 99's carrying. thank you so much for the guide and for getting me my first raid KC!


wow finally a beginners guide without bowfa/bandos/fang/etc. good vid!


I know this video is a bit older, so I doubt you will see this comment, but I recently came back to osrs after a 3 year hiatus to play with some friends and I had been dying to do this raid. I never really had the confidence to do a raid back when chambers or ToB came out, but you doing this with your stats and budget gear really made me feel confident going in.

I watched so many videos of people doing this, but they really don't explain things as well as you do.

You got me my first KC and I cannot be more thankful. I had 5 deaths in the raid, but I couldn't be happier right now.

Thank you for making this video. I, and I know many others, really appreciate the help!


years playing Osrs on different accounts and i've always been told by creators and guides that I need really expensive gear and base 90's to even look in direction of raids etc and it's made me kind of a pussy when it comes to bossing because I worry my stats and gear are never good enough and the mechanics will be too hard for me to learn, after watching this video a few days ago its given me the confidence to try raids and bosses I never thought I could do with 80 stats. Thankyou for giving me the confidence to learn to play the game I love <3


Thank you so much man, very clear guide. I always thougt my stats were to low (80/85/80) but this guide gave me hope. Will try it out soon!


Only halfway through this guide and its the best guide I've watched so far. Learned more from this than I did any others.


Can't imagine the amount of work you put into this, I'm a solo PVE player with no OSRS raid experience, you helped me grasp this within an hour.



Great guide. However I think the invocations got updated, because your invocations only add up to 45 instead of 50 (as of today). I made it 50 by adding Blood Thinners (Three blood pools instead of one).


i was so hesitant to do this by myself. i watched other guides and still didn't feel like i could do it solo.
but i saw your gear and you even said "if you have better gear than i do, good!" and that was all the motivation i needed.
first run i did side by side to your video, and het wrecked my life.
second run i only died twice, and manage to squeak out a 72 minute KC lol.

but then i ran it back and did it in 42 minutes!!

still not great, but this guide is fuckin awesome.
thank you SO much!!!


Honestly Kriibus, you’re underrated. I think you’re actually a top tier content creator.

If you have time, make a series people can get behind and watch a lot!


Hey man, I hope u read this, Ive looked into 3 different guides and they were 3 big channels but none of them had that much info and quality that your video have! Good fucking job man! I appreciate your time slowy explaining things, thank you, hope u get good drops in game.


Can't thank you enough for this guide. I'm terrible at boss mechanics (took 4 hours watching vid/ reading guides to beat it in 1 try), and this really helps 😊


My first time seeing a guide so well catered to true beginner early game gear. Explaining things so well. Showing us you can mess up and recover. I have never subscribed so fast before!


Found this very useful, do you think it could be done in an evil Chicken outfit with harder invocations?
