America's Military Decline from a Ret. Green Beret's POV

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The American military needs merit, not DEI.

For the second year in a row, Heritage’s Index of U.S. Military Strength has ranked the overall state of America’s armed forces as “weak.” Visit the link in our bio to see the decisions being made that are directly impacting our military’s ability to perform its missions in today’s world.

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The decline had started under Clinton when the military started to allow Congress influence over how we were trained. I went in May of '99 and they were in the process of developing a "kinder, gentler" type of basic training. Gone were the days of drill instructors screaming in your face, constant physical punishment in the form of exercise, and high stress (luckily I had DI's that were mostly Rangers from the actual Mogadishu incident so they didn't play those weak @ss games because I was Infantry and you can't create effective killers without preparing them mentally). They actually came out with a "stress card" that trainees could pull out and be given a safe space if they felt overwhelmed. Then the wars kicked off and most of that went out the window because we had practical experience showing us that it didn't create effective war fighters. That lasted until Obama came along and with his withdraw from Iraq came the reintroduction of the political BS, the worst of which was allowing women in combat roles. Quite a lot of testing was done prior to that decision and all of it said it was a horrible idea including the Sergeant Majors of the Army and the Marine Corps both standing against it, but Obama the politician that never served a day in his life pushed it through anyways. That was the beginning of DEI emerging in the military because as we all see in sports women are not physically equal to men and combat roles are at least 80% physical, and the only reason it was done is because some women were complaining that combat role individuals saw faster and higher promotions than non-combat roles. This was true for two reasons, first being that combat roles are the only ones that suffer from a rate of attrition, meaning we got injured or killed requiring promotions to fill those roles, second you shouldn't fill some of the higher positions with individuals that never led troops in battle, some of the highest roles that is ok because they are pure administrative roles but levels like Division or theater Commander require actual war fighting experience so you know exactly how you can and can't push your troops. Anyways, allowing women in combat roles did nothing to solve the problem because they made it so the women could have the title of a combat role job (say Infantry for example) by going through the training but it would be a secondary title meaning they still had an original job they did, like doctor, but never doing the combat job. Not only did this not give them experience leading combat troops but actually created staffing issues because they were counted in the combat role available personnel without actually being available so the combat jobs were being short staffed because these women wanted their promotions without doing the job. Then the whole DEI thing blasted off when Biden became president after pulling out of Afghanistan. With no actual war going on (discounting the Special Operations still happening globally) this freed the hands of the politicians to interfere and experiment as much as they wanted because there were no real world and real time impacts that they were forced to confront. When you aren't fighting no one is dying from your bad policies and thus no one holds you accountable for them. But make no mistake, things like: having individuals on hormone therapy, promoting unqualified individuals to fill quotas, teaching your entire force division instead of teamwork by introducing the victim/oppressor mentality, and more WILL get people killed in the next conflict. We had the strongest military in the world with over 20 years of actual fighting experience and the liberals came in and threw all of that knowledge and experience out the window, and the tragic thing is everyone knows it because it is reflected in the current recruitment problems. We are technically not actively involved in any war currently, this means recruitment quotas are way down and people should be lining up to get the relatively easy paycheck and experience, but we have a generation of children that half believe they can't do it and the other half that would traditionally join won't because they can see how horrible these political changes have been for the military and they want no part of it.


Imagine that! DC screwing things up when we've got brave men's lives on the line.


"was" ...."were" ...."had"

his choice of words should put fear in everyone !


if anyone is wondering:
this man's name is Joe Kent, btw.


crossed the ocean to fight the enemy, but the enemy was within


That was how it was in the Marine Corps in the late 70s and 80s especially after Regan took office and threw away carter's ridiculous policies.


That's too old fashion: What matters now are your two moms and what are your pronouns.


Yes please draft these wokeism ppl so they learn that activism and combat don’t mix:(


The military needs to attract the kind of people who fight. Gen Z has these types but they are trying to recruit with bubble gum feel good stuff. I was happy the see the marine corps still challenges its recruits and candidates like they were in 2006. They are meeting the recruiting quotas without softening the branch. I think the other branches should take note. Hopefully the USMC does not follow the low bar of other branches. As of 2023, when I recently completed OCS, I’d say it hasn’t.


"national security requirements" yeah okay


Umm not to be that person but umm, wow. The man is handsome. That jawline is 😍


I guess Patriots are not as concerned about defending the proper pronouns over the Constitution.


in decline?...ww1 ww2 korea vietnam..all these wars was mostly manned by unproperly trained draftees...every war has their issues...but i dont think this country's military is in any decline...opinions are like a$$holes


I think I have half a chubby. Let’s move out


Well if we keep voting for sleepy Joe democrats what do you expect!?


Amen, Praise GOD 🙌 ❤ May HE 🕊️ & JESUS CHRIST Highly & Richly Bless You!Thank You For Your Your Service 🇺🇸 For Our Country!!
