What To Do When You Run Into An Ex Who Dumped You

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Running Into An Ex Who Dumped You

The Goal: Leaving your ex with something interesting to think about when you are gone.

- Did you run into them spontaneously or was this an interaction you subconsciously forced?
- Prepare/Live your life as if you were going to accidentally run into them. This matters during the no contact rule especially.
- Short/Sweet Interactions Are The Key
- Reference the strategy for getting an ex to initiate contact first (satisfaction/zeigarnik effect)

- Have a story prepared if you get caught off guard.

Dan Harmons Story Circle

1. A character is a zone of comfort! (Me, and my family)
2. But they want something (alone time)
3. They enter an unfamiliar situation (Pilonidial Cyst Surgeries, setbacks, mentality, depression)
4. Adapt to it (Rehab,)
5. Get what they wanted (alone time)
6. Pay a heavy price for it (Missed out on many milestones of my daughters life, depression)
7. Then return to their familiar situation (back to family)
8. Having changed (Newfound perspective on how being alone is worse than anything)

Don't use my story, create one for you to leave a profound impact on your ex.
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That audio effects for every picture get on my nervs unfortunately, couldn't finish the video.


The answer is the same when you run into anyone you have no interest in. Treat them kindly and move on.


Genius idea. This is incredible. Whole your work is incredible Chris. I have to say you help a lot. :)


Chris, advice aside ( I actually ran into my ex on a tram and had no where to hide, but we had a short and satisfying chat) anyway I just want to say you’re looking more and more like Chris Pratt! ☺️


Good lord! Your rant about Dan Harmon was extremely irrelevant. You then went on applying his circle to your experience thereby making it confusing and pointless.
The most relevant thing you said in the entire video, was just at the beginning when you said, keep whatever conversation extremely short.
Still love your channel, but I'm afraid you dropped the ball with this one.


It was sooo unexpected...I was not thinking of finding my ex in my gym, I noticed he was there but I was trying to avoid him...he approached to, I acted very friendly, not nervious at all and it was brief, then we all lefttt ufff


Hi Chris, thank you for sharing your story ..I actually by pure coincidence ran into my ex 2 days ago..it was his birthday ..I had to think quick, do I wish him happy birthday or do I ignore him like he is me..I wished him happy birthday, he said thanks..if I'd not run into him I certainly would not of text him..
He dumped, ghosted me suddenly, april 28 just gone, so I'm in no contact, its raw, very recent I'm hurting ..


I ran into her during no contact, we made eye contact passing by and we both just said nothing🤔 can that be a bad thing?


Boyfriend recovery?? Hmm. Well I don't know that until after the quiz. Not good. My ex girlfriend dumped me. How to get ex girlfriend back


I just pretend that i don't know her and never met her


Macrobiotic diet may be of great value to you...


Hi Chris, thank you for sharing your story...I'm in no contact, my ex has blocked ghosted me, I'm hurting ..anyway long story short , by pure coincidence I ran into my ex 2 days ago, it was his birthday, I had to think quick, do I ignore him like he is ignoring me ? or do I wish him happy birthday, that's what I did ( wished him happy birthday) if I'd not bumped into him I certainly would not of text him happy birthday..
I'm feeling raw as he ghosted dumped me 28 April


Can you make the vids shorter please cause I'm going to maybe bump into an x and Im with a friend .
Male friend Could be awkward and hope he won't hover around me .but your vid goes off on a random so I started to not concentrate on the vid cause you need to make the point of the title .
