What To Do When You Run Into An Ex Who Dumped You
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Running Into An Ex Who Dumped You
The Goal: Leaving your ex with something interesting to think about when you are gone.
- Did you run into them spontaneously or was this an interaction you subconsciously forced?
- Prepare/Live your life as if you were going to accidentally run into them. This matters during the no contact rule especially.
- Short/Sweet Interactions Are The Key
- Reference the strategy for getting an ex to initiate contact first (satisfaction/zeigarnik effect)
- Have a story prepared if you get caught off guard.
Dan Harmons Story Circle
1. A character is a zone of comfort! (Me, and my family)
2. But they want something (alone time)
3. They enter an unfamiliar situation (Pilonidial Cyst Surgeries, setbacks, mentality, depression)
4. Adapt to it (Rehab,)
5. Get what they wanted (alone time)
6. Pay a heavy price for it (Missed out on many milestones of my daughters life, depression)
7. Then return to their familiar situation (back to family)
8. Having changed (Newfound perspective on how being alone is worse than anything)
Don't use my story, create one for you to leave a profound impact on your ex.