The Airbnb set up that just won't end.

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We have spent the past month transforming "the castle" into a top performing short term rental and event space.


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I am enjoying the castle saga. I, however, cannot believe you two are actually laying the artificial turf yourselves?! That would be the first thing I would hire out. Power to you!


hey guys! just curious what your current preferred bath towels are? the ones you recommended awhile ago were bo longer available when I looked into them. I feel like everywhere I look, they're either too expensive or the quality is too poor and I'm just hoping to find a middle ground from some a trusted source!


To run the castle as an event space, do u need a commercial permit? Is it in a residential area? Make sure there are no zoning laws that aren’t violated.


Title of all projects in NM. As are all projects in the land of mañana. It's so important to understand before buying, the local environment, contractor timelines, and how long it takes to get products in that are not on site. I would buy into the Southwest and not an estate style, people go to the Southwest for a certain reason. People do not go to Albuquerque for an Estate? Just my thoughts. If you decorated it with high end Art and furniture that would be unique.


I think covering that outdoor tile is akin to putting carpet over hardwood floor that they did in the 1970's houses - we say 'what were they thinking covering up that flooring!?'


Turf is looking good so far.... Even better on your IG reels!
