The Pug Problem

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It's time to highlight yet again another brachycephalic breed, Pugs. Known for their short stature and alien-like breathing they've become one of the most popular breeds in the United States... but why? In this video I'll discuss their issues, where they originated from, some key insight from a few specialists, and more.

Intro 00:00
The Pug's Respiratory System 01:52
The Pug's Eye Issues 08:14
The Pug's Nervous System 10:50
The Pug's Skin Issues 17:10
How I Would Solve These Issues 20:40
Outro 22:06

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How would you try solving the Pug problem in the United States?


I'm glad my country now prohibits breeding dogs with a too short muzzle. It has to be at least half of the length of the skull, no snorting sounds while resting, the nostrils have to be open and wrinkles at the muzzle aren't allowed, the white part of the eyes shouldn't be visible. This goes for all breeds. It means it's basically impossible to breed Pugs or French Bulldogs in my country because the breeding standard and the law are conflicting. It could land you in legal trouble if you were to follow the breeding standard. I wish more countries would follow. I think in the end changing the law is the only way to really force those breed organizations to change their breeding standards.


When you see pug crosses and retro pugs, they're often very intelligent and energetic dogs. I feel like this means that all pugs could be equally energetic if they weren't stymied by the deformities we've bred into them.


"I can't cover every single health problem in this video..."
That alone says a lot.


I worked in a no-k* dog shelter in the UK (for a pretty known charity). I'm not lying when I say almost all of the pugs and french bulldogs handed into us needed surgery to help with their breathing, literally like 90% of them couldn't even breathe without corrective surgery. And the trouble is people keep buying them without doing research, and from poor breeders (tbh the 'good' ones aren't much better), and then when they're told this expensive surgery needs doing, they just get rid of the dog. It's incredibly expensive for the shelter to do.

The shelter won't even use any type of brachycephalic breeds in ay of their advertising, so stuff like pugs aren't allowed to be put in tv ads, posters, flyers or anything. Only time you see a brachy on their site is when ones up for rehoming and it's picture is up.

I LOVE pugs, they were always one of my favourite breeds to care for at the shelters. But by god I'd never buy one from a breeder, it's literal animal abuse. Things like chugs are the way forward (and the breeders that are bringing long noses back in).


So glad to see people speaking out about this -- especially a vet! I knew pugs had issues, but I didn't realize how many and how serious they were.
I'd also love your opinion on why Golden Retrievers are developing so much cancer. I've heard they are currently THE most cancer-ridden dog breed and that their life expectancy is dropping because of it.

Pugs, Frenchies, Boston terrier, English bulldog, pekinese, affinspincher, ‘pocket’ & ‘exotic’ bullies, Persian cats, cavalier King Charles, toy spaniel


Pugs, Boston terriers, frenchies are the breeds we see the most at the veterinary ophthalmology clinic I work at. It is not cheap to own these breeds when things go wrong, and often it starts at age 2 with them as compared to other breeds started more like age 9 or so with issues.


I love the current "retro pug" trend where people are trying to breed back to a better skull shape. The resulting dogs look much more strong and confident, like they can take on anything.


I have a pug mix. Its roughly 75% pug and 25% Petit Brabancon, and I can say that the slighly longer snout helps with breathing a lot. So a quick tip, if you want a pug, get a pug mix. The purebred ones are very unhealthy.


My big guy was getting blind at the end of his life. We didn't knew until it was too late. No matter what, they are the best breed of dogs, hand downs. He was just so smart.


we have a pug. he’s about 14 years old right now. we got lucky in the space that he doesn’t really have a lot of roles. he hasn’t had many health issues besides when we found out he has a collapsed trachea. we just monitor his barking and he does ok. we adopted him with one eye and he’s almost blind now, and his hearing is getting worse, which i expect with a senior dog. pugs are great dogs, it’s just good to know what your getting into when adopting one. thank you for making a great guide to pugs health issues.


There was a pug named Goblin, you can see him on the channel girl with the dogs. He is a pug/GSD mixed. He looks like an "unhealthy" German Shepherd but a very healthy pug. Goblin should be the shining example on what breeders should strive for in a pug.


There should be a class action from owners of brachycephalic dogs who had huge vet bills because of the deformities that are viewed as part of the breed standard against the people who make the breed standards.


I would love to see you cover the neurological problems of the King Charles Cavalier dogs. And also the very recent ( within my lifetime) alteration of Persian Cats— I just learned that they are now so brachycephalic that they can’t even groom themselves. They’ve been bred to the point that one of the most basic cat behaviors is impossible for them.


My fanily got a pug in 2009. We pf course wrrent aware of all the issues. He passed in his sleep a few months ago at 15 years old. We really lucked out, considering we never had to take him to the vet for any health issues. I wanted to get another, but knowing what I do now, I won't as I'd be afraid of prolonging the suffering of a very unhealthy dog.


Whippets are super cute and they have long faces.


In my opinion FCI should re-describe their breed description, short noses; extra long back; too short legs etc. Also all the dog shows grade higher all the “extreme” versions and somehow they have modified breeds to their own liking. It’s just sad, looks over health..😤😭


I've never understood how someone thinks "it's so ugly it's cute." I've never had that feeling. Smashed face animals aren't cute.


This is why i am so opposed to the Kennel Clubs. They did all this! Rescue or buy a puppy from a family home whose pets had puppies like people always used to for hundreds of years! The kennel clubs have smeared home breeders calling them "backyard breeders" and implying they don't know what they are doing when the reality is that when average loving dog people let their pets have a couple litters, its much better for genetic diversity than a few breeders using a small number of studs controlling an entire breed!
