How College is a SCAM! The Hard TRUTH About Degrees and Jobs 🔥 | College Advice

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#CollegeDebate #College #CharlieKirk #StudentDebt #JobMarket #careeradvice

Charlie Kirk gives his best college advice 🇺🇸


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This student is desperately trying to justify his choice for going to collage. Its not working.


“If you want to get LAID, go to college. If you want to LEARN, go to a library.” ~ Frank Zappa


I was a foremen in commercial and Industrial constriction and did a lot of federal jobs. My boss (the owner) hired a few guys from collage's... they were not worth a damn, they had head knowledge, but NOTHING in their eyes and hands. In a months' time they were all "let go".


this student is pretty respectful i respect that!


Am a software engineer for 5 + years, what I seen so far is jobs are being out sourced to foreign country through contract. Good luck to this person talking. Hell need it


Collage degrees are WAY overrated!!!
For the cost of them, verses the job you get and keep. The math simply isn’t there!!!
I see it every single day, at my employer.
For years now.
It’s true folks!!!


The problem is that so many kids are indoctrinated into thinking that they MUST go to college to get a piece of paper as if it has all kinds of meaning. Kids need to be taught that it's ok to use your hands or other professions that don't require a degree, therefore college would absolutely need to lower it's prices since they wouldn't have nearly as many students. Everything works itself out when not everyone is going for the same thing.


Make an easy 6 in tech and I have a highschool diploma no one has ever asked to see. This kid doesn't know anything.

Build your resume, do things, make stuff. Even starting a blog to journal your own progression or learning throughout the course of a personal project will take you miles further than "I have a masters and no experience".


College was a scam. I got a 4.0 and still work as a carpenter 😂.


I make 200k in computer science/cyber security.... No degree. ggez


The reason so many employers don't want to hire college graduates is that the employers are looking to pull shit on the employees -- shit that's not necessarily legal and that is often dangerous to the workers. Businesses don't want their employees to be able to fight back.


Dear Kirk,

I have two associates for a total of $3, 000 in supply chain and database management. Thanks to you, I realized university isn't necessary as long as I am willing to put in the work to learn. My two associates alone have put me ahead of all my friends.

Thank you !!!


If the field this student is getting a degree in is oversaturated then why did he select that field to throw money on?


There was a research few years back which concluded that a person who went to a coding bootcamp had higher chance of working at a FANG company than a student who went to Ivy League schools. Coding bootcamp cost much less, both in time and money.


They tell you this. All my jobs were about people I knew or knew me. Plus I was known for being a hard worker. High natural IQ and a trustworthy person. I was not paid alot for many years. College played no part. Best salary last 10 years.


They are both right from a situational perspective. My engineering career required formal education, a minimum 4 to 5 years (BSEE) degree from a fully accredited institution, and a state or national license examination with internship under a professional engineer. I did notice that the school had degree seekers pursuing worthless degrees that could never pay back their investment.


I love your debates and it’s so true the people that come up and debate probably don’t pay for college themselves


As a result of the recent Palestine protest chaos on campuses we can see the effect a college education is having on our young people. And it's not good.


My hubby is a controls automation engineer.. literally got picked over people who have bachelor degrees. He passed all of there test. And most of the college bachelor degree men FAILED. lol he went to our local community college and taught himself multiple languages. Busted his ass. Hershey gave him a chance a few years ago.. and it only went up from there.. he is a senior engineer making WELL over 6 figures.. and honestly he had college students come and intern UNDER him and they didn’t even know the freakin basics. It was terrible. Honestly they don’t teach what you actually need to know hands on for the position. And they were in their last semester. 4 years down the drain and they had to go home and study on there own… one of them finally got a job just this year but it’s a company that loves to snatch up kids right out of college so they can pay they low wages 72k a year instead of 92-102k entry level (for our area) and I live in the valley, a small country area, a lot of forest and hunting lol.. not a city at all. Yes 72k out of college is great in retrospect BUT not for a controls engineer position. It’s just not. Especially when someone who didn’t even have a degree started in the high 80’s and 3 years later well over 6 figures. And it will only go up. I mean he is sought after, he has turned down so many companies… huge conglomerates… even turned down working for the govt. so my whole point is, yes you will need to be focused and know your field. Prioritize studying. So he taught himself before work, at work in his free time, and after work.. we did invest 15k or so in books, robots, HMI’s, PID trainer, Allen Bradley softwares, Siemens, automation direct products, Ge Fanic, he built his own study and practice boards, he is really good in electrical so he did have that under his belt… commercial and residential.. but I’m proud of him. He went in a different path than the typical person but his hard work and dedication paid off. I am so proud of him. He didn’t waste four years in college.. in four years he actually has all that time as experience and studying on his own. He doesn’t just specialize in one language, he knows them all… and it’s an amazing feeling to go into an interview and blow away men who have been in the field for 30 years, built up their companies with there own two hands, and want my hubby.. they offered him a position he can’t even refuse… so NOOOO you don’t have to go to college but you do need gall, but most want to go to college, party, have sex, and have an empty degree on their resume. 😂😂😂 then have to take next to nothing compared to what they spent on tuition. It makes no sense. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


I never finished high school but I’ve been a full time employee at my job for the last 18 yrs. During my time there I’ve learned and gained so many different skills that I’m sure if was to leave and find another job I’d get it immediately.
