Automatic Number Plate Recognition System (ANPR) | Demo Video

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Automatic Number Plate Recognition System (ANPR) | Demo Video

The ability to identify vehicles at parking entrances can provide major benefits for businesses, local authorities, and a range of other organizations. Now, managers in any area can improve entrance security to schools, offices, and factories, for instance, or to implement road tolling, and much more.

In the past, Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) has been costly, unreliable, and only relevant for a limited number of applications. Errors were commonplace and the available hardware could not read every licence plate reliably, and so could not operate without human confirmation. Additionally, low-light areas, oblique vantage points, and non-standard characters caused issues in detecting and capturing number plates.

Today’s ANPR cameras, engineered with deep learning algorithms and GPU processors, are extremely accurate – more than sufficient to overcome previous challenges.

ANPR systems “learn” number plate information within a scene, recognizing a much higher number of automobile plates and with much higher efficiency than conventional ANPR systems. They also no longer require the frequent and often cumbersome camera positioning adjustments.

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