Asuelu and Kalani's Families Makeup? | 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After | TLC

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On this episode of 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After, Asuelu and Kalani bring their families together to try and work out their differences. Will things take a turn for the worst, or can their families find common ground?

From Season 5, Episode 14: "To Love and Obey"

#90DayFiance #HappilyEverAfter #TLC

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About 90 Day Fiancé: 90 Day Fiancé offers a unique look into the world of international dating and matrimony. Using a unique 90-day fiancé visa, the K-1 visa, foreigners will travel to the U.S. to live with their overseas partners for the first time. The couples must marry before their visas expire in 90 days, or the visiting partner will have to return home. They'll have to overcome language barriers, culture shock and skeptical friends and family—all with a clock that starts ticking the moment they step foot on U.S. soil.

The stakes are incredibly high as these couples are forced to make a life-altering decision: get married or send their international mate home!

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Asuelu and Kalani's Families Makeup? | 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After | TLC
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I really liked That Kalani's dad wasn't butting in too much because he wanted to watch and make sure Asuelu to put them in check himself. Very smart man.


I remember Asuelu crying.. about how his kids would have nothing to eat if he gave her mom money and his mom just looked like she didn't care.. it kind of broke my heart.


I can't stand his sister so disrespectful, nasty attitude


I love Kalani’s family they’re so supportive yet they don’t overstep their boundaries.


The bombastic side eye from kalanis dad when asuelu’s mom said “you don’t obey me” 😂😂


That sister is a HORRIBLE person!! How damn rude to just demand money to finance her life!?! That's so culture card can make that kind of demand right. She can go and earn her own money


When Asuelu’s mom heard he was gonna cut her off that’s when she started crying cuz she was gonna lose what’s left of her cash cow 😂😂😂 but she just had a blank stare when he would say that HER grandkids would starve. The nerve of this woman.


As soon as Asuelu said he would cancelled his bank acccount, his mum compromised.. god bless everyone with a toxic parent..:(


Asuelu is mad funny!!! “I’m going to cross Samoa 🇼🇸 off of my bank account.” 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😅❤️


Tammy's sense of entitlement is maddening, honestly, she needs to get her own family and she'll see how willing she is to fork over all her money when she has an infant or 2


It would’ve been a different story if Kalani’s father wasn’t there. He is a no-nonsense kind of guy that Asuelu’s mother, wack sisters, and Asuelu won’t dare cross.


The way the dad turned around when the mom said obey me😂😂😂😂


When I watched this in the past, I never understood why his family felt entitled to all his money. I agree with her dad, yes you can help but to give all your money to your family that's not in your household is ridiculous. Basically, his sister and mom is saying you be poor, let your children suffer be hungry while we live great and happily ever after with your money. Let the sister continue to support the mom. He is a married man now and have children to support. His family is ridiculous.


I think Tammy is tired of supporting her mom alone and this is where it is all stemming from. Family therapy would be so helpful lol


The fact that they were ready to pounce on Kalani when she was alone but now they have some respect when she has her parents. Lol


The fact that she said she wanted them to get a divorce. Knowing they have kids. Wow so selfish. Those are her family too. Why would she want them to suffer because of money? It’s dumb to say that. 😮


How disgusting, his mom really said “i hate you” to “i love you” she needs a reality check. His sister also needs a good ass whooping to stay in her place. She’s just as delusional as his mom.


It’s hard to feel bad for Kalani when her father warned her about this exact issue and they still went ahead and had another child together. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. They should have considered how their cultures and families would blend prior to shacking up. Jumping into things blindly shows how truly immature and responsible they both are and unfortunately, their children will suffer the most growing up in this dysfunction.


So in their culture the mom "raises him" for 18 years therefore is entitled to his financial support for 40+ years. Wow what an even trade, makes perfect sense...


Tammy is jealous of Kalani so she tries to sabatoge her relationship with Asuelo
