Statistics || WHAT? TYPES? || Descriptive Statistics || Inferential Statistics || Basic Statistics

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This video will discuss about WHAT, WHY and TYPES of STATISTICS with examples and animation.


Video Covers:
-- What is Statistics
-- What is a Population and Sample
-- Differences between Population and Sample
-- Sampling and it's Types
-- Descriptive Statistics
-- Inferential Statistics

Watch the full Statistics for Beginner Series here:

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Keywords :
Machine Learning , Machine Learning Python , Machine Learning Tutorials , ML , Python Tutorial , Machine Learning with Python , Machine Learning tutorial for beginners , How to start Machine Learning , Basics of Machine Learning , ml , Machine learning with Python , Tips and tricks in Python , python programming , integer division in Python , floor division , long integer in python , integer programming in Python , how to declare integer in python , operation in python , arithmetic operation in python , bitwise operation in python , XOR operation in python , right shift , left shift , operation on bits , memory location in python , python tutorials for Beginners, variables and data types in Python , Tips and tricks in Python , python programming , variables in Python programming , variables in python language , variables in python in English , what is variable in python , variable declaration , what is variable in python , static variable in python , global variable in python , types of variable in python , instance variable in python , multiple assignment , tuple unpacking , variable declaration , is python case sensitive , keywords , help in python , computer programming , integer division , input integer , integer type in python , print integer , earn more money , greatest integer function in python , functions in Python , what is a function , return function in python , python programming , function definition in Python , statistics for data science , statistics for 10 , 11 , 12 , what is statistics in math , mathematics , subject , what is statistics in English , what is statistics in economics , what is business Statistics , difference between descriptive and inferential statistics , statistics is the science of analyzing , raw data , field of study , mean , frequency , central tendency , mean , sample , economics , descriptive statistics , inferential statistics , statistical population , Statistic , statistics discipline
Рекомендации по теме

Very very detailed and understandable, thank you so much❤


So far i watch so many stats explanation videos believe me You Guyd did the amazing work..!! Go on Guys..!! Appreciatable Effort


I was just hustling on with some statistics topics I came to you tube and found your video. Now my every topics are crystal clear you have the best content available on yt. Keep it up 💯. You are doing great job


Fortunately I found your channel ;
Excellent explanation, examples and the graphics make it super easy to understand 🤩👍


Easy to understand and Very useful mam tq ❤️🥰
