Does body count matter?

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Does body count matter?

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A Woman with 14+ Partners has an 85% Chance of the marriage failing after 10 years. Body Count is the most important metric when dating, and lying is treason.


Film this again, asking men. The answer will be yes. Women don't want it to matter. But it definitely does.


At least the one woman was honest and said it doesn’t matter because hers was high. I’d imagine that’s why the majority of them said no but won’t admit it. Women care about a man’s future, and men care about a woman’s past. I know that might offend some people but for the most part it’s true.


"You should never judge someone by their past." What a ridiculous thing to say. Women will judge a guy for cheating, but the same doesn't apply for number of sexual partners? The only reason they're saying it doesn't matter is because they are uncomfortable with the idea of promoting slut shaming.


The females who said ''no'' are the ones with the high score.


The higher a man's body count, the more respected he is. A man who's still in single figures will be almost universally looked down upon by both men & women.


It seems that it doesn't matter for those who have an extremely high body count🤣🤣🤣


If a woman has a body count and she wasn’t exclusively with that other person than it is a problem. If you slept and/or sleep around, you are no longer attractive to me. Lying about it won’t work either, men know we can tell, we ask so we know whether they are lying or telling the truth. If they refuse to answer that yells us men everything about how trashy that woman is.


yes body count matters so men can put them in the right catagory or not, treat them for what they are or not


Might want to rephrase the question, sounds like something you’d ask serial killers.


For most men our body counts will always be lower we can’t get a woman as easy as a woman can get a man. It takes effort on our part to even hook up. Woman barely have to try and guys will throw themselves at them all day long. That’s why male and female body count is different.


These girls are saying " it's the past - it don't matter " - they also want to be another man's past . - just another number .


The large majority of people don't state their true number & many don't know it.


The body count is a term often used for sexual encounters. It generally refers to the number of people with whom a person has had sexual intercourse.


He's not being specific... Is he asking about a WOMAN'S body count or a MAN'S???


From a guys viewpoint….short term fling it doesn’t really matter. If I’m gonna wife her up, OF COURSE IT MATTERS


Problem with this is your asking women in London and no joke the average women you come across there has a body count of between 10 and 15 men by the time she's in her early thirties. Of course all these easy lays will say it doesn't matter lol.


There are thousands of videos on this and it's getting repetitive so ofc it matters


Body Count is important because you need to have some sexual experience before you choose a lifetime partner, who should be sexually compatible with you. With that said, for men a body count up to 20 is acceptable IMO. If you need to sleep with more than 20 women to figure out what good sex is all about, then you'll never figure it out. For women, who are less driven by sex than men but still need to know what sex is all about, IMO a Body Count of 15 is acceptable. Also, if you have found the one whom you think will be the person that you'll marry, you need to know if you're sexually compatible, so premarital sex with you lifetime partner is important. Sex is a very important part of a good marriage, and both people should be sexually compatible, otherwise there will be problems which could eventually lead to a divorce.


I always want to know body counts, but only because I find people's sexual history fascinating. When it comes to judging whether or not someone is worth pursuing, I couldn't give any less of a shit. As long as she doesn't have any STDs, it's all good.
