'Generating Python bindings to C++ libraries' - David Vo (PyCon AU 2023)

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(David Vo) Ever wanted to use your favourite C++ libraries in your Python? This talk will discuss different ways of generating bindings to C++ libraries, including the approaches that the RobotPy project has used over many years.

python, pycon, australia, programming, conference, technical, pyconline, developers, panel, sessions, libraries, frameworks, community, sysadmins, students, education, data, science

Videos licensed as CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0

PyCon AU is the national conference for the Python programming community, bringing together professional, student and enthusiast developers, sysadmins and operations folk, students, educators, scientists, statisticians, and many others besides, all with a love for working with Python.

Sun Aug 20 11:55:00 2023 at Hall E