What To Do When You Get Your First Guitar

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These are the ideal first steps (according to me) of things you should do when you buy your first guitar :) I hope you find them useful as I would've loved to see a video like this when I just started playing.
Enjoy :))

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Mango :)
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actually, first step is taking a pic of your guitar and posting on social media


Heck, ur so right😭😭i got my 1st guitar for almost 2 years and i only decided to learn now then I went to marty music!!!


Re: Step 6. Get a Guitar Teacher. Yes! Yes! Absolutely. Here's what you get from a good guitar teacher. Eyes. Ears. Head. They can watch you and listen to you and pick out things you had no idea about and fix them before they become unfixable. It can be incredibly subtle. In my first lesson with my most recent teacher, (pandemic is in the way right now, as I REALLY prefer in person), he cocked an ear and listened to my strumming. He asked me to do it again, got down close listening, then watched me as I strummed. He then asked me to show him my pick, and how I gripped it. He shortened my grip on the pick, I swear, by no more than 2 millimetres, and asked me to spend the time between then and the next lesson practicing with that and getting used to it. Once I got past the adjustment period, I found I had more control over the pick, and it had less tendancy to get pulled out of my hand. Over time, I have gained much more touch and subtlety with my strumming. The sound has improved immeasurably. All that from 1 minute of my teacher applying his ears, his eyes, and his knowledge and experience.

That's just one example. I could also talk about what he did for my finger picking technique, or what he did for my palm muting. I could talk about how a good teacher will know what to have you learn next, what to have you work on, what you need to learn to be a good guitar player. How a teacher can bring that structure and guidance, than knowledge of where to go, what to do, and what to ignore for now. How a teacher can play along with you, jam with you, and really teach you how to play with another player, how to make MUSIC with another player. There are so many reasons to get a teacher. They can speed things up, avoid problems, and help you reach a higher level. Is it possible to do it without one? Yes. Some do. But is it easier, usually much easier, with the help and guidance of a good teacher? For most of us, yes, absolutely!!!! If you can afford it, do it. Trust me.


I played the cello for 8 years, played the piano all my life, and have perfect pitch so I kind of assumed the guitar was going to come easy to me. I was totally wrong, it's freakin hard man!


thanks so much! my family gave me a guitar a few months ago and I didn't really know how to start to play and more hehe :'] (it's a typical Creole guitar)


I got my first guitar because of you :) I'm really happy with it, though it is really tough to learn. I hope I can keep going though!!


Finally someone to lead me in the right direction everytime i pick up my new guitar i get so lost on what to do and get discouraged but im finally beginning the grind of learning scales and what notes are what frets and some cords! But ill for sure give marty music a try lol


I've been growing my hair for 3 years, now it's time to learn to guitar lol


Awesome video! I have been playing for a little over a year and a half and I gotta say, it’s an interesting journey😂 There are definitely ups and down but man it’s fun when you get good at it. I play a lot of riffs in drop d and I absolutely love Metallica! Anyone who is reading this that is considering playing guitar, do it! It’s amazing! I hope this message inspired some of you. Keep shreddin😎


Such a great video. I’m just about to start play electric guitar and your tips are extremely helpful for me. Thx a lot!


My dad was a guitar player and I never learned from him. Like how to play, but I know how to restring and do all the other things that I need to do. I have three electric guitars. None of them are by the prestigious amazing Gibson. I would love to own a Gibson. The SG.


Настоящие эмоции испытывать от любимых занятии, это вот счастливый человек


Oh wow I love this, I'm so glad I saw this. I've been learning guitar for the past month n like I don't really have a proper learning path I'm following, I've just kinda been doing random stuff
Thanks for making this
Guess scales is my next destination


Bruh we missed u a lot ✨
Pd: greetings from Colombia 🇨🇴


I love you Mango 🥰🥰🥰😍😍 greetings from Mexico!


gonna start learning, i'll update in a year


I got my first electric guitar last year, after I came across your channel😋🤟


I like the "parampamp" in the end =D


Thank you so much, I’m just learning now and stumbled upon you one year progression video and now your channel. And now ik what steps to take (side note before visiting your channel I went straight to Marty music lol)


Muy buenos consejos. Muchas gracias. Saludos desde Perú. 🎸👍
