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Рекомендации по теме

every thing is temprory but hakai's uncle beard was always permanent 😂😂
edit: mumma now was becoming famous 😆
again edit : oh my god 216 liked 😁
again edit : finally 301 likes let's cross 500 likes
edit : esport gaming official ke liye ha bhai aaj tak kisi comment pe 50 likes bhi nhi aaye nn bhai 😘🙏🏻
edit : thanks bhai log 500 likes cross kara diya ab 700 ka goal kya hum kar payenge 😜
Edit : thank you guys for so many like 😁
Edit (pata nhi kitna) :let's cross 1k plus like


Dono ka headshot alg alg hai but nice editing ❤


كانت ستكون لقطة اسطورية لولا اخلاف الضرر... لا تركزوا مع الضرر.. ادعموه لان اللقطة من الصعب ان تتكرر بنفس المكان وبهذه الدقة


Op Hakai TV bro your ending is just😮😮❤❤❤


Favorite player and editor 🥺😍🫀❤️(inspiration) big fan bro 😭


The power of clothes
The damage went to 322 from 226 😂😂


Phale 276 ka damage hua or dubara 377 ka 😂😂😂




This man topic to was to show his collection 🗿😇


Damage is different but hakai is editing king❤


Hakai bhai Laka gamer se custom karo
Target 3M views 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Op editing but first clip damge 276 and second clip 322 ❤❤


me : saport me❤❤❤️

Hakai Family : impossible🍷🗿


😂By God, you are a legend, and I swear to God, you are a hacker
