John Company 2021 Prototype Teach

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A full teach of the 1710 scenario John Company: Second Edition with designer Cole Wehrle using the current Tabletop Simulator Mod (as of March 27, 2021). Art and rules are not finalized! Posted as a teaching tool for Kickstarter campaign launching March 30.

2023 Notes: This was the video used when we launched on Kickstarter and there are many changes that were implemented in the final version of the game. If you are looking for a finalized full teach of John Company, please watch either of these videos:


Here is an idea for a future game or video: Cole, you are in a very good position for mentioning the thematic reasons behind certain rules, so I would love it if you could mention them. It would help with remembering the rules or with simply appreciating them. The video would be a tad longer maybe, but it would maybe feel shorter because it would be more interesting than a mechanical exposition of the rules. 😀


25 minutes in and I’m lost. A good sign!


Here is a usability suggestion: I understand that when the marker falls on the 0 of the pass/fail track, it should be flipped, so I'm thinking that it would help if the 0 space showed a little "flip" icon. 😊


Thanks for the tutorial! Amazing way to flatten the learning curve.


Any chance that we'll see an update video with a playthrough of the current rules as is before the pledge manager/late pledge closes?


With each Video I'm getting more pumped about this game. Great job! Hopefully we'll see a physical copy rules video down the line. Thanks for all your hard work.


Thanks for the video and congratulations on the successful kickstarter! If you find the time to add some time stamps, I would really appreciate it.


Thanks for the video. I have the game and can’t wait to play


Thank you for this game and tutorial !!!


I'm curious, how much, if at all, did the rules change from this teach to the final?


Good outcomes are associated with low dice rolls. Is there a particular reason why the opposite convention (keep the highest roll, 5–6 is a success, etc.) couldn't be used? This would be similar to the common convention. I'm only in the middle of the video and realize that I may have missed something that explains the current convention...


Tried the base game (1710) yesterday with TTS. A great game


I have a question: it seems like the governor General is meant the director of trade obsolete, but who then can transfer existing ships to different regions? I can't seem to find it in the rulebook or on the cards so far.


How much has the game changed since this video? The board on TTS right now looks different.


One thing that bugs me is the combined Standing and Debt track with different markers. I feel like it's not very pratical.


Is the TTS mod already available? Is there a Discord group that would be patient with a new player over a weekend?;)


Can the Director of Trade use his ability to open orders multiple times in a turn? I guess I have the same question for other similar abilities.


Hey Drew/Cole. Can we put "old" in the title of these outdated videos? I just had a new player who watched the entire video, and sent it to our new group. Only for me to inform him that it was super out of date.


Great looking game, interesting concepts and game play, but way too many fiddly rules (2X - 3X my budget) A "game about negotiation" but after an hour+ of explanation, you did not get to negotiation examples. I watched the gameplay videos and have a better idea. Maybe combine the two - gameplay with teaching in one video. It may be too late for this loved old project - I really want to back it, but having a tough time imagining getting it to the table for a gaming group unless they are all invested enough to study the rules and play multiple times. Likely rewarding fun for the right group, but unfortunately, not for me. I would have to relearn the rules between plays, and reteach - too big a barrier. Looking forward to Pax Pamir! Edit: there is some discussion of negotiation starting at 1:22:30, but watch the training videos for a much better understanding, and see page 8 of the current draft of the rules linked from the kickstarter page.


The board and cards design are great, but gameplay is too random. 30 mins of negotiations can be busted with a roll of a die. When storms come to all seas, the company can lose almost all of its' fleet. That is totally unreasonable. I wonder how the gameplay was designed...
