Do San

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Pattern Do San Tul

START: Parallel Ready Stance
00:01 1. Move the left foot to B, forming a left walking stance toward B, at
the same time executing a high side block to B, with the left outer
00:02 2. Execute a middle punch to B with the right fist while maintaining a
left walking stance toward B.
00:04 3. Move the left foot on line AB, and then turn clockwise to form a right
walking stance toward A, at the same time executing a high side
block to A, with the fight outer forearm.
00:06 4. Execute a middle punch to A with the left fist while maintaining a
right walking stance toward A.
00:08 5. Move the left foot to D, forming a right L-stance toward D while
executing a middle-guarding block to D with a knifehand.
00:09 6. Move the right foot to D, forming a right walking stance toward D
while executing a middle thrust to D with the right straight fingertip.
00:11 7. Twist the right knifehand together with the body counter-clockwise
until it's palm faces downwards (into a sitting stance, up on toes)
and then move the left foot to D, turning counter-clockwise to form
a left walking stance toward D while executing a high side strike to
D with the left back fist.
00:13 8. Move the right foot to D, forming a right walking stance toward D
while executing a high side strike to D with the right back fist.
00:15 9. Move the left foot to B, forming a left walking stance toward E, at
the same time executing a high side block to E, with the left outer
00:17 10.Execute a middle punch to E with the right fist while maintaining a
left walking stance toward E.
00:18 11.Move the left foot on line EF, and then turn clockwise to form a right
walking stance toward F, at the same time executing a high side
block to F, with the right outer forearm.
00:21 12.Execute a middle punch to A with the left fist while maintaining a
right walking stance toward A.
00:22 13.Move the left foot to CE, forming a left walking stance toward CE
while executing a high wedging block to CE with the outer forearm.
00:24 14.Execute a middle front snap kick to CE with the right foot, keeping
the position of the hands as they were in 13.
00:25 15.Lower the foot to CE, forming a right walking stance towards CE,
while executing a middle punch to CE with the right fist.
00:26 16.Execute a middle punch to CE with the left fist while maintaining a
right walking stance towards CE.
Perform 15 and 16 in a fast motion.
00:27 17.Move the right foot to CF, forming a right walking stance toward CF
while executing a high wedging block to CF with the outer forearm.
00:29 18.Execute a middle front snap kick to CF with the left foot; keeping
the position of the hands as they where in 17.
00:30 19.Lower the foot to CF, forming a left walking stance towards CF,
while executing a middle punch to CF with the left fist.
00:31 20.Execute a middle punch to CF with the right fist while maintaining a
left walking stance towards CF.
Perform 15 and 16 in a fast motion.
00:32 21.Move the left foot to C, forming a left walking stance toward C, at
the same time executing a rising block with the left forearm.
00:33 22.Move the right foot to C, forming a right walking stance toward C, at
the same time executing a rising block with the right forearm.
00:35 23.Move the left foot to B, turning counter-clockwise to form a sitting
stance toward D, while executing a middle side strike to B with the
left knifehand.
00:37 24.Bring the left foot to the right foot, and then move the right foot to
A, forming a sitting stance toward A, while executing a middle side
strike to A with the right knifehand
END: Bring the right foot back to ready posture (Junbi).

Рекомендации по теме

thank you so much i know teakwondo and my test was almost coming up and i forgot some of the patterns


Ainda não entendo o deslize do pé de trás para trás, sentido oposto ao movimento dissipando energia, muitas vezes um salto. Taekwon


Great! If I’m being honest this is one of the more forgettable colour belt patterns.
