7 September 2024

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Narcissists are known for their self-centred behaviour and need for admiration and validation. When a narcissist becomes obsessed with someone, it often stems from a combination of factors, including envy, attention-seeking behaviour, fear of rejection, and a sense of entitlement.

One reason a narcissist may become obsessed with someone is because they are drawn to qualities in that person that they envy. Whether it's their success, charisma, or confidence, the narcissist sees these qualities as something they lack and desires to possess them. This envy drives them to fixate on the person and seek validation from them.

Additionally, narcissists have a constant need for excessive attention and admiration. When they find someone who gives them the attention they crave, they may become obsessed with that person as they see them as a constant source of validation and reassurance.

Narcissists also struggle with rejection and abandonment, as they fear being alone and not being able to control or manipulate those around them. When they find someone who is willing to stay and cater to their needs, they become fixated on that person to ensure they never leave.

A sense of entitlement also plays a role in a narcissist's obsession with someone. They believe they deserve to have everything they desire, including the person they are fixated on. They may go to great lengths to ensure they get what they want, regardless of the consequences.

Finally, narcissists often have a tendency to blame others for their problems and shortcomings. They are fixated on the idea that everyone else is the problem, not themselves. When they become obsessed with someone, it is often because they see that person as the solution to all their problems, and they will do whatever it takes to keep that person under their control.

In conclusion, a narcissist's obsession with someone is often rooted in a combination of envy, attention-seeking behaviour, fear of rejection, entitlement, and a desire to control and manipulate others. Understanding these factors can help individuals recognize and protect themselves from the toxic behavior of a narcissist.


You Are Always Spot On About Those Deranged Not So Normal Narcissists ! 😊


Fixated on everyone else being the problem is such a classic!!!


After they see all of your traits, they’ll start to mimic them. Then, they’ll try to destroy you and your traits, so they steal them.


This person has brought me dn for years now im so afraid of him he's a Narcissist person n keeps picking on me all the time no matter what I do n he threatens me all the time and stealing from me for years now n scares me so bad I'm afraid for my life i have been so abused by him


🎉narcisi mrze Sami sebe, zato SE tako bijedno ponasaju, zavide svima ii svih mrze🎉zalosni ljudi🎉


They're such ridiculous entities.


There really no understanding of the narc.


This person has brought me dn for years now im so afraid of him he's a Narcissist person n keeps picking on me all the time no matter what I do n he threatens me all the time and stealing from me for years now n scares me so bad I'm afraid for my life i have been so abused by him
