I Made A DMG So ADVANCED, It’s Basically A Nintendo DS | EZDMG-103

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In today’s episode we’re going to make the Game Boy DMG more powerful . . . by replacing its motherboard with one from a DS! This is called the DMG-103 mod which was created by RetroHai, but perfected by Nintendre Mods. This kit will make the DMG-103 mod easier, and more importantly, cleaner to do. So let’s take a look!

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0:00 Intro
2:21 Mod Kit Overview
5:05 Mod Tutorial
17:54 Features
21:35 Pros and Cons

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// Intro Music for Retro Renew Series by Matthew McCheskey:

Disclaimer: This video is only for entertainment purposes. Any injury, damage, or loss that may result from improper use of tools, equipment, or from the information in this video is the sole responsibility of the viewer and is to be used at the discretion of the end user/viewer and not Macho Nacho Productions or Tito Perez. If you are uncertain about any step of the process or feel unsure about your skill level, seek a more authoritative source.

Affiliate Disclosure: I get a small percentage of each sale that uses an affiliate link or coupon code. It’s a great way to help SUPPORT my channel at no cost to you so I can continue to make these videos for all of you, everyone wins! And as always, thank you for your continued support of my channel!

#Nintendo #DMG103 #MachoNacho
Рекомендации по теме

Gotta say, I really appreciate that you always explain the basics when you do these videos instead of glossing over them. I know some creators start to find it a waste of breath to repeat instructions that come up in almost every build. But as someone not very good at soldering and working with small electronics, I really like getting all the information I need in a single video, instead of having to look up techniques in separate tutorials.


That’s not a Game Boy anymore. That’s a Game Man! 💪🏻


using a DS on a GameBoy DMG shell to use as a GameBoy Advanced.
Man, i love the Modding scene 😂😂😂


It's neat.
Does feel a bit of a "they were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should" since so much of the DS functionality is lost with the mod.


Imagine if the screen slid up, revealing a touch screen, and it was a FULLY functional DS...


I will never forget how excited an airport security guard was in 2015 on the airport in Barcelona, when he saw my original DMG. For me, it's still the most beautiful case and I particularly like this mod. It's a piece of childhood, and I'm really grateful to have been a child at that time. Really great work, much cleaner than other mods, and now on my wish list. ♥


I don't know how many people say this on everyone of this videos, but this is beautiful. The slow jazz, the warm light, the careful work on every scene... These videos make me feel calm and happy with these processes, as oppose with the doing of the process by myself. A calm night, a cold drink and a MachoNacho video is a good end of day for me. Thank you.


That contrast hole is begging for a screen swap button.

Y'know, the picture-in-picture thing? Would also solve your emulator problem.


great to see the ds modding scene growing this way, I build these ds inside gameboy shells myself too and I have worked with andre a few times already and his work really helped streamlined this for beginners


This is what I've been waiting for. Retrohai is super creative but his methods aren't nearly as technical as they could be.

Glad to see this is becoming more accessible.


Love it, the size of the DMG is my favorite and doesn’t cramp my hands like smaller devices.


I wanna see a one screen ds shell that looks like a GBA (the wide one) that would be cool.


Lots of those DS emulators have INI files that you can edit to force it to display on the lower screen. Pretty cool mod!


Loved seeing you using Jack's ruler for the measuring.


So hyped that you built one of these for yourself! I built a DMG104 variant last year (has a GBA SP's top screen attached) and it is still my favorite project to date. I didn't use a kit, but all the parts are still easily found online. I'll have to use that ribbon in the future, cause soldering those cartridge connectors wire-for-wire is a MEGA pain in the tush. Mounting the ports and volume slider without a PCB is annoying, so the fact that it was all on one board is nice. Plus, the xbox style triggers are sick too, I bet they are way comfier than regular buttons on the back i used. Highly recommend the kit Tito got if you want to try this yourself, it feels super rewarding to build one and show it off!


Don’t get me wrong, I love PCB Way, but I was hoping Hakko would be the sponsor for the channel because I missed the giveaway on your last video 😂

On a more serious note, this is absolutely beautiful. Hats off to Andre for taking what was already a wonderful item and turning it into art. Thank you for showing us.


Such a juicy joyous journey we just went on! Love these sorts of builds, and seeing the well deserved shout out to Hai was quite respectable. He’s been making some of the most wild handhelds on the net, and it’s cool someone else has taken it a step further for us lazy folks!


Sacrificing backwards gb/gbc compatibility and cannibalizing a ds makes this seem a tad silly


for getting emulators on the bottom screen you could use the TV out firmware mod with its screen switching capabilities, you dont need to actually install the av out portion just flash the firmware onto the ds lite and solder a button for switching screens. could even have the button be in place of the contrast slider


If you want a dimmer LED just use a larger value resistor in series with the LED as a current limiting resistor.
