Cloud9's Choice: BunnyFuFuu or Smoothie?

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We're fast approaching the halfway mark through the 2016 NA LCS Summer Split, and fourth place Cloud9 has a choice to make. So far, the squad has been switching regularly between supports Michael "BunnyFuFuu" Kurylo and Andy "Smoothie" Ta, but has yet to settle on one or the other.

So, the question must be asked, which player is better for Cloud9: BunnyFuFuu or Smoothie? It's an interesting debate, but theScore esports breaks down the numbers behind Cloud9's tough choice.

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Ya'll be shweepin on my boy Bunny Fufu. He's my favorite support player in NA.


Why do they have to decide? They could just keep the 6-man roster


this girl has no idea what she is talking about bunnyfufuu is a god on the lvl of madlife that is all...


But... Jensen does more damage with Bunny... Also Bunny does more peel on average which would seem to be more why the damage share is offset....(Your graphic trivializes the difference in 7% vs 2% of damage share on support. Whereas on carries, a lesser difference is almost overly emphasized. A very misleading graphic when that is just as huge a difference a support doing 5% more damage per game than caries, if not more. Kinda seems like you just wanted to prove your personal opinion and not show realistic analysis. Look at the 4% difference and the 5% difference in bar height with mid and support respectively. The 5 percent difference is a fourth the size of 4% spread on Jensen.) And if he is doing more peeling, wouldn't he be just as viable an option to enable team fights? The play-maker and peeler role he plays also seems to unlock Meteos to play more carry and farm oriented junglers/builds, instead of being stuck on initiation bots like Rek'Sai.


I feel like thescore esports shouldn't be the ones saying who is better because there are a LOT more information that isn't being relayed upon to the viewer that is required to make such claims as to who is better. Some examples include team compositions of both teams, decision making including both players, in-game synergy, etc. I believe it's too early to say who is better. #stopthebandwagoning


sorry but pls dont make this type of video c9 does waht they need to and will pick their own players no need for you guys to meddle into this (voice coms mean alot) additudes mean alot -mental stability/being able to play many games) you guys cant just compare a few games this isnt feir to ethir of them


Interesting analysis! Very good points about the carry priority - it's one thing when you notice it watching the games, but the stats matching up is a much stronger argument. I don't know that I agree with the conclusion that Smoothie is a better fit, nor that Impact takes on a carry role or that Sneaky is ever primary engage. While Impact is definitely a solid top laner and engager, he's very rarely given the resources to play that role for his team, and Ashe ult is notoriously unreliable for engaging full teamfights. Personally, I think the choice depends mostly on the surrounding meta - if laneswaps are common, Bunny's clearly the best choice, while a meta with assassins or support mages mid would benefit Smoothie. Great video nonetheless!


Insanely interesting. Good points made. I don't really get why some people think it's unfair to say who's better, especially since the wording was "Smoothie MAY BE the better option" which suggests that this is only an assumption. of course the team knows best what to do in the end.


Wow respect for giving a opinion on the topic instead of just stating the case regardless of whether I agree with it or not


meh, C9 know what they're doing and I'm pretty sure both supports are learning a lot from each other via the method they're using right now


Yeah... you have no idea what you're talking about lady.. supports are the main play making agents. without supports, everyone would cry at nights--supports do the crying for them. bunnyfufu god skills for life.


bunny fufuu is the best better than smoothie


I loved this video. It was nicely composed, quick, and compared relevant stats to making this choice. Thanks so much!
