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An informative presentation on propolis by Georgia Master Beekeeper Cindy Hodges. Including the benefits to bee colonies, collection, history, uses, health benefits and more
Recorded at the Georgia Beekeepers Association 2022 fall convention.
Recorded at the Georgia Beekeepers Association 2022 fall convention.
Alles über Propolis, Wirkung von Propolis, Anwendungsgebiete von Propolis, BEE&YOU Bienenproduk...
O #1 Melhor Anti-inflamatório Natural para Artrite (NÃO É O QUE VOCÊ PENSA!) | TOME PRÓPOLIS CERTO!...
Bee Propolis Benefits, What Makes It a Prized Superfood?
#propolis #propolisserum #serumrecommendation ..#orienserum #kbeauty #koreanskincare #niacinamide#
Give me 7 days with propolis 😋 #skincare #kbeauty #koreanskincare
Hast du BEE&YOU Propolis Tinktur schon probiert?#propolis #deutschland #honig
The Unique Benefits of Propolis (Bee Glue) – Dr.Berg
GLOW UP IN A WEEK #skincare #serum #orien #propolis #eyebags #glowingskin
Dr. Marla Spivak Talks About Her Latest Research on Propolis and Honey Bees | Premier Bee Products
Própolis: A Dose Certa em CRIANÇAS é… | #shorts
Buduje odporność, zmniejsza stłuszczenie wątroby 🐝 Najzdrowszy pszczeli produkt - krople propolisowe...
Propolis Night Cream | Pure Bubbles Skincare
Propolis - Das Wundermittel aus der Natur
Can HONEY BEE PROPOLIS Help Fight Human Viruses?
Some By Mi Propolis B5 Glow Barrier Calming Oil To Foam 😍#propolis #somebyme #cleanser #glowbarrier...
Propolis ein natürliches Antibiotikum
PRÓPOLIS: Benefícios MAIS POTENTES | Qual o Melhor e Como Usar
Hast du Gelée Royale & Propolis in Honig für Kinder schon probiert?#propolis #fürkinder #honig...
'I Used Propolis on My Skin for 7 Days—Here’s What Happened!'
About consistency with propolis serum #skincare #kskincare #consistency #serum #propolis #kbeauty
Astımı Olanlar Propolis Kullanabilir Mi ? - Prof. Dr. Ahmet Akçay
Naturantibiotika Propolis! Für vieles anwendbar und unverzichtbar in der Hausapotheke!
Hast du BEE&YOU Propolis Tinktur 20% schon probiert?#shorts #deutschland #propolis #honig