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An informative presentation on propolis by Georgia Master Beekeeper Cindy Hodges. Including the benefits to bee colonies, collection, history, uses, health benefits and more
Recorded at the Georgia Beekeepers Association 2022 fall convention.
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What a great talk on one of the most important elements of a bee colony that too many dismiss. Thanks for sharing Bob.


We use propolis in a home medicine back in Belarus in early 70 my parents before that their parents use it before them, medicinal properties of propolis being known in that part of the world for a long time


Thank you Bob for recording, interleaving all the slides, and sharing Cindy's presentation; it was very interesting. I now understand why you like the bee glue ☺️


Thank you for sharing this intresting information.


Thank you Bob, the part that this did not cover importantly is collection, processing, and storage of Propolis. manufacture of tincture, recipees, etc etc. Perhaps an idea for a part 2 ?


Thank you a lot for sharing, Bob!!! Cindy's talk was great.


Thank you for this presentation, very interesting to consider the positives of propolis and possible health benefits of tiny bits of propolis in raw honey. Bob please increase your honey availability with some comb inside, on your store shelves. Thanks again, LindaSue


Great information. I’ve seen our bees collect it from old hive boxes and swarm traps that I’ve baited with propolis.


Thanks for sharing Bob. I purchased a couple of Caucasian queens from Old Sol last spring for this vary reason. Those bees definitely produce propolis and I"m glad to have their genetics at play in my apiary!!


Excellent presenter and informative, Thank you!


Thanks for posting this Bob. I wanted to see this presentation but couldn't bee there.


very important substance.. keeps the whole inside of the hive sterile and clean .. brilliant


Interesting Youtube suggestion. When I was 11, bee propolis saved me from the ghoulish communist health system of Bulgaria. I had the worst stomach pain for a week after eating one too many cherries from grandma's tree. Doctors didn't know why and wouldn't spend the money on barium scan because it was "scarce" but suggested they'll have to cut my stomach open and see what they find. It's dangerous but oh well. Talk about third world. I still remember getting back to the car and mom losing her mind at the thought of surgery. I was in so much pain, unable to sleep for a week. I would dose off on top of a bottle full of hot water or knelt next to the bed so my stomach would press on the edge and make the pain subside a bit.

Mom took me to a former colleague, a gypsy woman who was an energy healer. She waved her arms at me standing 10ft away and said she felt like there's a sore somewhere at the end of my stomach but wasn't sure. Her suggestion was to take a bee propolis tincture.

We got home, dad heard and just cussed at how stupid that is. So he bribed the doctors the next day and got them to give me a barium scan. Five doctors came over to look at my stomach while one of them pressed the scanner on me ... some kind of disturbance... something that looks like an ulcer of the duodenum. 3-2 ulcer of the duodenum. But not 100%. Still would have to cut me open in a week if I don't get better

I got dispatched to grandma with a bottle of bee propolis tincutre. Every morning I took 10-12 of the dark brown drop in hot water, on empty stomach. Within a week the pain was barely there. I still remember grandma crying happy tears while counting the drops when I told her how much better I felt. In 3 weeks the pain went away completely. A month or so and I was back on regular diet. But no cherries.

Bees are magical!


Thank you, great video for a newbie! 🇨🇦


WOW Bob thank you for posting this. This is something I have been very interested in an was wanting to learn an find out more about it. She did a great study an review about it . Thank you for all you share an do for all the bee keeping family . Thanks


Very happy to see this presentation and glad to report my bees make a ton of propolis and i think that is why i am able to stay treatment free so far with my 10 colonies. I intend to brand equipment before spring which will feature roughsawn insides on cedar boxes to fight decay and hopefully provide a more natural defense mechinism inside with a propolis envelope. I owe a great thanks to you Bob and everyone you interview with on all of the topics you cover that is making it possible for me to work towards my goal of fulltime beekeeping.


Very informative and interesting thanks for sharing TrickyTrev 🇦🇺👍🐝🍯


Good presentation on an often ignored part of beekeeping. Thanks Bob and Cindy.


After lots of research and noticing that colony’s with propolis are just plain better and healthier . I decide to go Caucasian in my Apiaries . Even tho reports say the buildup of this race of bee is slow I find that more to do with location . I will enjoy raising this race in KY as I feel pound per pound the ease of the bee and all its quality’s make bee keeping more affordable and less demanding plus why not use propolis it’s the bees medicine . Great presentation . Thank you .


Hello Bob. Very interesting and welcome information. It is good for consumers to know the benefits of propolis.
Bob, I have a personal request if I'm not asking too much: how do sourwood trees propagate from seed or cuttings? I want to plant in the garden at the beehives.
Thank you very much. All good.
