Tucson Mayor and City Council Study Session September 11, 2024

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Study Session
1.) Executive Session - Update on Legal and Litigation Matters Concerning Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Contamination; Potential Claims against the United States; and the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Emergency Administrative Order for Response Action issued to the United States Air Force and Arizona Air National Guard, Docket No. PWS-AO-2024-10 (City Wide and Outside City) SS/SEP11-24-172 12:33

2.) Mayor and Council Direction Regarding Executive Session -Update on Legal and Litigation Matters Concerning Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Contamination; Potential Claims against the United States; and the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Emergency Administrative Order for Response Action issued to the United States Air Force and Arizona Air National Guard, Docket No. PWS-AO-2024-10 (City Wide and Outside City) SS/SEP11-24-173 1:07:40

3.) Independent Economic Impact Analysis for the Proposed Mixed-Use Development at 2 E. Congress (Ward 6) SS/SEP11-24-168 1:08:55

4.) American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and Framework Update (City Wide) SS/SEP11-24-171 1:11:57

5.) Tucson Water Updates: Colorado River Drought Update, 2025 CAP Order, Drought Preparedness and Response Plan Update; and Financial Plan Update (City Wide) SS/SEP11-24-170 1:25:34

6.) Updates on Amendments to Unified Development Code Related to Corridor Redevelopment Tools Electric Vehicle Charging, and Middle Housing (City Wide) SS/SEP11-24-169 1:37:47

7.) Updates on States and National Legislation and Regional Committees (City Wide) SS/SEP11-24-165 2:15:11

8.) Mayor and Council Discussion of Regular Agenda (City Wide) SS/SEP11-24-166 2:27:00

9.) Mayor and Council Discussion of Future Agendas (City Wide) SS/SEP11-24-167 2:27:50
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I love to see the discussion and movement around updating the zoning code. That project is the most meaningful climate action I've ever seen Tucson take!
