Pearson and Karen: Harmonising beautifully
Javier: Perfectly playing guitar
Arthur: *grunts ever so slightly out of sync*
I ran into this blind and ill never forget sitting and singing along with the gang this games gonna be nostalgic as hell in 10 years
Goddamn it Dutch, turn your boombox down, we singing a song over here.
I'm suprised Javier is not singing and that's actually PEARSON holding it down.
This further proves Rockstar need to release a RDR 2 Van Der Linde gang campfire songs album
I cry when I hear this song. Good video dude Arthur Morgan is the bests character in gaming history
The first time I stumbled across this beautiful little moment in a play through, I had to pause the game afterwards and take 5 minutes to contemplate life.
A somber, little tune sung on a still, clear night, with a phonograph playing faintly in the background. Wish you could know when you're living in the 'good ol days' before they're over.
I love how you can hear Dutch's grammophone in the background and Karen, Pearson, Javier and Arthur are outdoing it with their song like "Fuck Dutch's music, we're making our own" :D
Pearson has such a beautiful voice. Probably from all of the sea shanties he sang in the Navy. Still though very talented work from the voice actors
Now i want to learn how to play a guitar so i can sing this song while sitting by the fireplace, with no one but my dog and the forest to hear it.
The fact these detail are not necessary in means of game progress or achievements make then even more precious.
Karen had some wonderful moments when she was singing. What a great character
My biggest regret after paying through this game was not spending as much time in camp as I should have and experiencing moments like this.
I am on my like 4th play through and I just heard this for the first time. Goddammit this game just keeps getting better and better.
Forget the Gold, ol Dutch was sitting on some certified Platinum
Chapter 2 is full of wholesome moments like this. Best chapter in thr game.
This is the type of video that gets recommended by youtube after some years
These moments in camp and I think about John and how the gang fell apart. In the end it feels so lonely when you’re playing as John.