And this was how my childhood abuse got reported to CPS

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I was 12 years old and went to a Christian camp in North Carolina with my church. My camp counselor talked to everyone in the cabin; and when she spoke to me, she noticed I was physically in pain. I brushed it off like it was nothing but she dug deeper.

I finally mentioned an incident that happened with my father right before I left for camp, and she told me that fathers shouldn’t do that to their children. She told me that she was legally required to report what I told her, and I begged her not to say anything.

I had grown up to believe what happened to me was “discipline” and that I deserved it. But this moment made me realize the difference between discipline and abuse. When I came home from camp, my church and CPS had to get involved in my life. My parents lied about our life to everyone and said I was lying for attention. My mother blamed me for everything saying I would be the reason my father would go to jail and my siblings and I would be in foster care just because I couldn’t keep my mouth shut. This began the most depressing time of my life, and I really held onto God to get me through. Before I was afraid of having a voice, but now I use it for others.


“if you’re having suicidal thoughts, we’re gonna have to report it” my brother in christ that’s the issue


"This is a safe space!"
I. Don't. Feel. Safe.


“This is a safe space”
“What’s said in here stays between us”
Are the biggest lies I’ve ever been told.


“You can trust me” then immediately makes my home life worse, yet people ask why I have trust issues


my school social worker told me that i displayed sociopathic behaviour and tendencies after i had just poured my heart out to her about everything i was going through. i was ELEVEN at the time, and hearing that from an adult that i trusted truly terrified me. guess who avoided therapy after that until i literally had no other choice?


"sorry I'm gonna have to report this" and suddenly my trust for every staff in that school is gone...


They should state firstly that if anything is too brutal, that it’ll be reported, instead of tricking children into opening up and soon paying the price for it.


When I was 7 I told a teacher I was being abused. As soon as I left the room, he called my mother. She almost killed me that night. It was the last time I would ever trust an adult to help me.


as someone who used to be told, " don't tell ANYONE about what is happening at home" this is the worst


no matter how depressed i ever be i will never talk to school counselor cuz we cant trust them tbh


I had this one counselor who was the best, he was chill and was an actual trustworthy guy. I could vent to him without fear of my parents being called since he knew what it was like himself. I remember having a bad depression episode, he was absent and I had to talk to a different counselor. That’s when I learned to not trust them; or to tread lightly when opening up about certain topics. Nowadays, I have a good adult support system (my old algebra teacher >>>> she still goes out of her way to check in on me even after I passed her class 💕). Yet that experience has made me more observant in the people I’m opening up to; focusing on reading expressions and body language more before going on with what I was saying in fear of saying the wrong thing.


i had a counselor share my abuse as gossip to other faculty at my school. she told my mother, father, and stepfather every single thing i told her. now i don't trust anyone with anything. cps got called. my mother screamed at me constantly, saying i was going to get her kids taken away and i deserved what i got. she said my disorders were fake and i made them up for attention. it's been nearly four years and i think about this constantly


THIS IS WHY I KEEP SECRETS FROM MY COUNSILER, she knows nothing cause i know she always reports back to my parents on what i told her!


The constant stress of any suicidal thoughts being found out by counsellors at my school when I was younger made it 10x worse. I couldn't think of how angry and confused my parents would be if they found out. Everyone who's going through this has my support ❤


i vented to my counselor 2 years ago. I got shocked when everyone suddenly knew because one of the staff spread rumors about me after.


i struggled with self harm and suicidal ideation starting at age 11. thankfully i had an ethical counselor, who told me she was a mandated reporter who had to tell my parents if she thought i was a danger to myself. bc of this, i kept all of my subsequent therapists and psychiatrists at arms length. they helped a lot with my anxiety and general fears, but i had to learn how to stop hurting myself on my own.

that first therapy session after i turned 18 was so freeing. no more anxiously reading my therapists face, trying to figure out if i said too much. i just told the whole ugly truth, and actually got to work on it!


you can't trust a counselor or therapist but you can trust strangers on the internet a lot more..


This is the exact reason im in foster care again. I talkedd my counselor about what my sisters abusive tendencies, and they ended up putting in an anonymous complaint to CPS. That day i went home and my sister yelled at me, saying i might ruin her career and get her kid took away. She blamed me for everything, making it seem like i was at fault, as if she wasnt being abusive. I ended up in a emergency youth shelter for 4 months, then they put me right back with my abuser. The same cycle is starting up again. I cant even trust the people i think i should. Im 13, i should be living in a stable home. At this point, im just trying to age out of the system, as corrupt as it is.


That's why I love my second period teacher, she's fully honest about having to report issues so no one gets a false sense of security
She lets them decide if that's what they want, she doesn't lie about being able to keep secrets, and we love her for that
