Amputee Prevention: Dr. Donald Pelto, DPM

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Dr Donald Pelto, DPM is a member of the New England Amputee Association and specializes specializes in the medical and surgical treatment of all conditions of the foot. Dr. Pelto completed the three-year reconstructive foot and ankle surgical residency program at St. Vincent Hospital. He is trained in the latest surgical advances with a special interest in all aspects of diabetic foot care. It's important for diabetics to seek help for chronic foot conditions in order to avoid any long-term complications, especially those that may lead to amputation. Early detection and prompt treatment can keep a small problem from developing into a serious one.

At Fitness Together, we know exercise is a cornerstone of diabetes management, along with dietary and pharmacological interventions. Today, both the ADA and NASM (National Association of Sports Medicine) recommend that patients with type 2 diabetes perform at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise and should perform resistance exercise 3 times per week. "Diabetes is a major health issue affecting more than 24 million Americans, and our franchisees have told us they are happy to have a chance to make a difference," says Jeff Jervik, president and CEO of Fitness Together Holdings, Inc.

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