May 4th, 1945 Historic German Troop Surrender in Czechoslovakia

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#1945 #WW2 #germany #german #czech #czechoslovakia #shamemarch #ai #artificialinteligence
#history #4k #colorized #60fps #timemachine

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German shame march in Czechoslovakia

Closer shots German prisoners. MS, tanks/jeeps moving down road, probably the surrender of the XI Panzer Division (and other German units) on May 4 and the days immediately following. The XI Panzer Division was a Wehrmacht unit. German prisoners stand beside road, start marching. CU, destroyed German weapons. Pan up to column of trucks of surrendering Germans. German civilians standing around. CU sign: "Limit of Advance - All US Troops." CU, German general near tank. German prisoners on trucks pass by, GI directs route of surrender. MS trucks with dead German prisoners pass through crowd. MS trucks of Allied liberated prisoners go through crowd. Civilian masses on road. German generals in staff car, GI disarms them. Truck of German prisoners pass through crowd of Czechs.
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Superb colouring, I'm taking my first steps in this and I can tell your work is excellent, well done.


This footage was filmed in colour by George Stevens using his own 16mm camera;it is not colorised.


They, look a lot better than the germans taken prisoner in Russia


That filming corresponds to Cameraman Lindsay, it is not in chronological order, it begins on May 9, 1945 then min 0.14 is May 8, 1945 with a group of supposed SS at the exit of the town Rokycany (approximately 10 A.M.) about 2000 members of the Wehrmacht and other members are detained by members of the US army and taken to Pilsen
Min 0.43 filming begins on May 9, 1945 outside the city of Rokycany and then at its entrance.
Min1.29 returns to May 8 at the exit of the city of Rokycany
Min 1.54 filming on May 8 at 7 AM. approximately 2000 members of the Wehrmacht who would be detained and taken to Pilsen
Min 2.16 filming corresponding to May 9 outside the city of Rokycany and its entrance
Min 4.18 filming corresponding to May 8, 12 PM approximately to the largest group of the 2000 prisoners heading towards Pilsen (filming in the town of Ejovice)


Warum haben viele der deutschen Soldaten keine Schuhe an?


Imagine the world today if American, British and Germans had have been allies. Interesting thought.


Interesting video. It looks like the Germans and the Americans were cooperating with each other.


I'm sure many of those guys were thinking how lucky they were surrendering to the western allies rather than to the Soviets... that's because they hadn't heard of the Rhine Meadows camps yet and that Eisenhower would change their status from POW to DEF, Disarmed Enemy Forces, to avoid the rules of the Geneva or Hague conventions that said you have to feed your prisoners. Poor dudes had heard good things about America, freedom, justice, democracy, nice words indeed... unfortunately, reality had never heard of those words, much less what they were supposed to mean.
If there had been doubts about the first war stab in the back, this time it was real, unbelievably real.


So🤔 correct me if I'm wrong, , Yugoslavia and chech republic, under USSR reigns 🤔


Poznal někdo, kde to je natočeno? Podle Američanů to budou někde západní Čechy.


I have this film in original color kodachrome, sorry.


War sucks for both sides....there are never any winners!!!


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