Bunny Cuddles

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It took them a few days to get acquainted, but they're best buddies now!

#rabbit #bunny #floof #condo #hutch #pals #cuddlebuddy #cuddles #rabbits #bunnies #farm #farmlife #homestead #homesteadlife

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Hewo response are simply adorable and I can tell you definitely love them and so I'd like to give you just a couple of tips on how to show that to your buns because you're living situation for them is definitely a lot better than some are but there's just a couple things that are pretty important that I like to point out in case you don't know.
The first thing is the wire bottom to the cage I couldn't tell if it was the whole cage bottom but even so having wire bottoms for your cage can really hurt your rabbit's feet and could cause bumblefoot and welts and sores which can really hurt your bunnies and make them less active because it hurts to walk.
The second thing is your cage size even though it is a lot better than I've seen you might consider free roaming them because free roaming is just the best. you can pick your whole house or a certain room in your house to let the bunnies roam loose because bunnies can be potty trained and so there's not little beans everywhere all over the floor and this way they can get lots of exercise during the day and run around and jump. rabbits are almost the size of dogs and cats at least dogs and cats on the smaller side and most dogs and cats free roam in their house so she no bunnies too.
the next thing is your litter box I guess this kind of refers more to if you free roam them but you can still implement it in this cage but the litter box should probably be a lot bigger you can get cat litter boxes which work really great and probably pick one with a roof on top and these are not that expensive at all and then put a bit of bedding at the bottom like about an inch and then the rest just fill up with hay
the very last thing I would like to mention is I'm pretty sure this outside I'm not sure if it's not then I'm sorry totally disregard this but rabbit's being outside can be pretty dangerous because of the weather of course it can be too cold or too hot and rabbits are very fragile creatures and so this could hurt them also there could be predators that could get to them or taunt them and scare them so much that they could go into shock and die from a heart attack .
some great YouTube channels to check out that teach great bunny care would be Lennon in the bunny and Victoria Rachel and there's loads of others I hope this helps you and I hope you and your bun bun family are super happy and I hope you have a wonderful day bye


Are you kidding me that game is horrible you need to get a better cage those Bunny's don't Diserve that
