MY FAVORITE MUST WATCH SERIES - Fear (1 of 2) - from His Holy Church

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(For context, some timestamps may be cued to the beginning of their titled thread.)
00:00​ Fear (1 of 2) - from His Holy Church; Intro [Music]
00:20 Fear - a powerful tool... of evil people
07:23 Trends determined IN your society by the structure OF your society
09:25 Choice in Leaders (or do you elect “Rulers” [who rule over you]?)
10:10 The Way... back
15:46 Fear – and it's downward spiral
21:21 Just do what's right in the (each) moment
22:30 “Approval” - continuing the downward spiral along path to becoming lost sheep
23:22 Getting to where faith abides... where fear cannot live
27:30 The Church (and other benevolent groups and individuals) of the American past
33:27 Reliance on religious programs of the world's governments breeds your fear
35:08 Sacrificing - before eating
39:53 Sound-bite religion
42:10 "Token charity" described
43:53 Faith does not force
44:49 Weak and fearful societies result from not strengthening the poor
46:41 You gotta actually repent, turn around, and go the other way

Music: "Transient" by Liborio Conti - obtained copyright/royalty free here:

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Wonderful teaching, brother Gregory! You're a wealth of knowledge that's sorely needed in today's society. Thank you for sharing that wisdom and knowledge with us! ❤🙏
