Javascript Tutorial For Beginners - Free JS Course - Web Development Tutorial

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This Javascript Tutorial is a Free Javascript Web Development Course designed for beginners. If you're wanting to know how to Javascript, in this course, you'll get JS tutorials that cover the basics and programming basics from the very beginning.

We'll cover Javascript variables, if else statements, functions, arrays, event bindings, and more. If you're learning web development and are ready to learn Javascript for beginners, this is the free tutorial for you.

Also watch: "Responsive Design Tutorial - Tips for making web sites look great on any device"
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7:55 for the homework:
prompt will save whatever you typed into a string, you can use parseInt() or parseFloat() commands to turn that into a integer or float which then can be used for calculation, for example
z = prompt('enter a number');
//stores your input onto variable z as string
z = parseInt(z);
//change z into integer, which means the pc will consider it as a number and not just texts
z = z++;
//z = the number you entered plus 1, proving it can now be used for calculation


2:59 FINALLY! SOMEONE GETS IT. You just motivated me to code. I love you now <3


After a few mins or prolly an hour of research I finally got it.
var number = +prompt('Enter first Number'); var addition = +prompt('Enter Second Number'); var name = prompt('Enter Name'); var tot = number + addition; alert(name + ', ' + ' ' + 'the sum of' + ' ' + number + ' and ' + addition + ' ' + 'is' + ' ' + tot) owh the feeling of satisfaction after I got it working lmao.


I've been going through all of these tutorials and all these people seem to be trying to teach people who already know Javascript, these tutorials are pretty helpful. Thanks.


var num1 = +prompt("Enter the First Number");
var num2 = +prompt("Enter the Second Number");
result = num1 + num2;


Amazing tutorial :)
also learning from comments :P


Awesome work sir, I had originally gone to school for graphic design and then found myself falling in love with back-end web design. Fast forward a few years and I am now in the high-speed rail industry. I work as a network specialist, but never kept up on my web designing/programming. This is an awesome refresher. Looking to deep dive into as much as I can. This blows away all of those pay-to-learn online courses.

This simple video has made me realize one thing. That web design, java and all programming language for that matter are ever changing. After I spent about 30 minutes on the homework assignment to no avail, I hadn't realized that you needed to add a + to the beginning of your prompt. And you would not have known this via your tutorial. Some people may complain and say! "Why didn't you tell us! Hold my hand, show me!"

What's important for everyone to know is that you will not always be given every bit of information/data right up front. You'll need to do your self-research. It's apart of the game. Thanks again!


For the first time I feel like I learned programming. Thanks man? Your efforts and knowledge worth more than millions....😍🙌🙌🙌


I highly recommend students to watch html, css, bootstrap tutorial.
Earlier I hated web designing but after seeing this tutorial series I fell in love with it.
Generally I don't give reviews but after seeing this, I couldn't stop myself from writing reviews.


awesome lesson dude. I just started learning html css and javascript and ive learned so much from your playlists. heres what I did for the assignment: var name = prompt('What is your first name?'); var LastName= prompt('What is your last name?'); var age= prompt('How old are you?'); var school= prompt('What school do you go to?'); alert('Hi '+name+' '+LastName+ ', glad you\'re with us! '+school+ ' is a great school and we are looking forward to hearing more about it!') Keep up the good work!!


Love it! Always wanted to learn Javascript. In a few minutes, I came up with this!
var name = prompt("What is your first name?"); var lastname = prompt("What is your last name?"); alert("Hello "+name+" "+lastname+"!"+" My name is Chrome... Google Chrome!")


I am going to study Javascript at the University, and I really like this tutorial so far. Thank you. (I have completed #2)


var name = prompt("Hello, random citizen! I am Computy! What's your name?"); alert(name + " is a cool name!"); var lastName = prompt("What is your last name?"); alert(name + " " + lastName + ". Nice!"); prompt("How's your day?"); alert("Good, good"); alert("Well, I'll be going now."); alert("Bye!")

It was so fun making this! Thanks for the tutorial xD


What have I learnt from this tutorial?
Answer: Your name is Will


I made this, will be a fun thing to do for your girlfriend or significant other to show them your new interests.

var eye = prompt('what do you use to see?');
var love = prompt('Whats the strongest feeling you can feel for someone');
var yew = prompt('what tree lasts around 400-600 years?');

alert(var1+' '+var2+' '+var3+'.');

eye love yew.

Get it?

Nice tutorial, FeelsGoodMan .


var x = +prompt('first number to add'); var y = +prompt('second number to add'); result = x + y; alert (result); //if you see this then hi!


Good day! Here's my homework for this lesson, a bit long, but I hope you gonna like it :-) just copy/paste it: var value1 = prompt('How do people call you, Oh noble knight?');var value2 = prompt('How old is our hero?');var value3 = prompt('What is the name of kingdom you sworn to protect?');var value4 = prompt('What is the name of disgusting villain ?');var value5 = prompt('Give me the place where that mean character lives');var value6 = prompt('Give me a name of a wiseman');var value7 = prompt('A name of an elegant weapon');var value8 = prompt('How many days you fought your enemies');var value9 = prompt('What did the villain right before his death?');var value10 = prompt('Which part of bad guy you chopped off');alert('Read this with respect and dignity: Once upon a time, in a democratic constitutional kingdom of '+ value3 +' - lived a champion, great protector of human rights, freedoms and amendments, noble Sir '+ value1 +' who was ' + value2 + ' years old. But once, all of a sudden simple folk and taxpayers of '+ value3 +' were put into a grave jeopardy. Despicable '+ value4 +' brought terror upon all '+ value3 +' residents, devastated their villages and robbed caravans. It was the time for benevolent '+ value1 +' to get into a long and dangerous journey to the most terrifying place in the world, the infamous '+ value5 +' where beast were dwelling. On his way to glory our hero visited ancient grove and met an old wise '+ value6 +', who commended an ultimate weapon in our hero hands, the legendary '+ value7 +'. Tedious fight lasted for '+ value8 +' days, and our brave '+ value1 +' was exhausted, but he managed to chop enemy\'s '+ value10 + ' off. The ' + value4 + ' ' + value9 +' and gave up the ghost at last. Since then the kingdom of '+ value3 + ' has grown strong and flourished. And our champion was honorable named Sir '+ value1 +' the '+ value4 +'slayer and the Great Devastator of '+ value5+'.');alert('Have a good one! You can send screens of your tale and bug pics here:')


these tutorials are way more usefull and less hair pulling then others, thanks!


I have already learnt python and from this tutorial it seems really similar. Thanks for the great tutorial!


Nice Tutorial. Crisp and to the point. Thank you.
I tried to program your assignment of getting 2 numbers using prompt. The prompt returns Numbers as Strings . So when I add them, it will not give sum, but concatenated output. I googled and found out that We have to Parse the Strings into numbers using the parseInt() or parseFloat(), store them back into number variables, add them inside the alert . I learnt new things .


I have always avoided doing js.. u are the best teacher I ever had experience of getting taught from. :)
