Minecraft | How To Build a Large Survival Base

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#minecraft #tutorial #howtobuild #large #survival

Shaders :BSL
Minecraft :1.18
Resource pack:Vanilla

Song: Fredji - Happy Life (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.

Song: Simon More - Meant To Be (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright Music.

Song: Extenz - Endless Summer (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.

Song: Fredji - Welcome Sunshine (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright Music.

Song: Atch - Traveller
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Creative Commons - Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported

Song: Ikson - Cloudy
Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright Music.

Track: Syn Cole - Melodia [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.

Song: Markvard - Catch Our Moment (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Рекомендации по теме

1910 spruce logs (29x64 + 54)
128 stripped spruce logs (2x64)
1730 spruce planks (27x64 + 2)
188 spruce stairs (2x64 + 60)
8 spruce trapdoors
80 spruce signs (5x16)
460 dark oak stairs (7x64 + 12)
8 dark oak slabs
784 dark oak fences (12x64 + 16)
132 dark oak fencegates (2x64 + 4)
16 dark oak doors
156 dark oak trapdoors (2x64 + 28)
12 dark oak pressure plates
80 oak trapdoors (64 + 16)
64 jungle stairs
8 jungle fences
48 jungle fencegates
180 jungle trapdoors (3x64 + 8)
128 acacia fences (2x64)
48 deepslate bricks
528 deepslate brick stairs (8x64 + 16)
197 deepslate brick slabs (3x64 + 25)
606 deepslate brick walls (9x64 + 30)
256 lanterns (4x64)
192 glass panes (3x64 + 20)
144 glowstone (2x64 + 16)
24 chests
24 barrels
48 grindstones
1 bucket of water
120 grass blocks (64 + 56)
20 oak leaves
24 sweet berries
64 carrots
132 sugar cane (2x64 + 4)
32 bamboo
1 sea grass
1 fern
1 lilypad
1 seapickle

149 spruce logs (2x64 + 21)
976 spruce planks (15x64 + 16)
12 spruce slabs
4 spruce fences
6 spruce doors
276 spruce trapdoors (4x64 + 20)
16 spruce signs
28 spruce pressure plates
97 dark oak stairs (64 + 33)
28 dark oak stairs
47 dark oak fences
28 dark oak fencegates
8 dark oak doors
16 dark oak pressure plates
61 jungle trapdoors
5 ladders
73 stones (64 + 9)
73 cobblestones (64 + 9)
73 andesite
11 stone stairs
12 cobblestone stairs
11 andesite stairs
48 dead brain coral blocks
8 deepslate bricks
1 deepslate brick wall
2 enderchests
105 chests (64 + 41)
16 campfire
133 barrels (2x64 + 5)
79 bookshelf (64 + 15)
1 workbench
12 smokers
12 blast furnaces
2 stonecutter
4 smithing table
2 looms
67 glowstone (64 + 3)
124 lanterns (64 + 60)
32 glow item frames
4 torches
16 armor stands
24 white carpets
28 lime green carpets
4 pink carpet
16 purple carpet
16 red carpet
32 black carpet
4 black wool
1 golden apple/notch apple
1 melon
1 cake
1 glow berry
1 sweet berry
4 dead coral
4 anvil
1 enchanted book
1 enchanting table
1 blue bed
2 enderdragon heads
24 item frames
12 blue candles
4 scaffolding
8 armor stands
52 flower pots
4 telescopes
4 compasses
45 grass blocks
16 oak leaves
4 spruce saplings
4 dark oak saplings
5 seapickles
54 bamboo
2 iron chains
1 bucket of water
1 iron helmet, chestplate, boots
1 gold helmet, chestplate, boots
1 diamond helmet, chestplate, boots
1 netherite helmet

for everyone interested :)

edit: typo


Day 35: No trees were left on the planet. But... the base has been completed. Great guide. Easy to follow and awesome base! Also don't forget the lightning rods people!


I did it.. after destroying 45 different environments and biodiversities and ecosystems. I did it i built the house.


This build is not for the weak. 4 minutes into the video and i was only 1 hour into building. The build in general is a masterpiece, though 10/10. Very clear instructions


Keep in mind, he made a mega base tutorial that took only 27 minutes, not like other Youtubers that took 1h to 3h


god, help me, im trying to do this in survival...


I absolutely love this tutorial style. I wish more people did tutorials like this. No zooming around with the camera all over the place, no superfluous talking or describing of what’s going on…just the basic build instructions done in an entertaining fashion.


Finally It took me 96 hours and a whole lot of mining, but it was all worth it!!! This build also taught me so many different building ideas.💡 I'm really looking forward to building more like these. Thanks for everything EWEN!


25 stacks of spruce logs
2 stacks of skinned spruce logs
28 stacks of spruce planks
3 stacks of spruce stairs
8 spurce trapdoors
5 stacks of spruce signs
8 stacks of dark oak stairs
8 dark oak slabs
13 stacks of dark oak fences
3 stacks of dark oak fences
1 stack of dark oak doors
3 stacks of dark oak trapdoors
12 dark oak pressure plates
2 stacks of oak trapdoors
1 stack of jungle stairs
8 jungle stairs
1 stack of jungle stairs
3 and a half stacks of jungle trapdoors
2 stacks of acacia fences
1 stack of deepslate
8 and half stacks of deepslate stairs
4 stacks of deepslate slabs
9 and a half stacks of deepslae walls
4 stacks of lanterns
4 stacks of glass panes
3 stacks of glowstone
1 stack of chests
1 stack of barrels
48 grindstone
1 water bucket
2 stacks of grass blocks (replacable with dirt)
20 leaves
26 holly berries
1 stack of carrots
2 stacks and 4 sugarcane
35 bamboo
1 kelp
1 fern
1 lilypad
1 sea cucumber
3 stacks of spruce logs
16 stacks of spruce planks
20 spruce slabs
5 spruce fences
6 spruce doors
4 and a half stacks of spruce trapdoors
1 stack of spruce signs
32 spruce pressure plates
2 stacks of dark oak stairs
32 dark oak slabs
50 dark oak fences
30 dark oak gates
8 dark oak doors
8 dark oak pressure plates
1 stack of acacia trapdoors
10 ladders
2 stacks of stone
2 stacks of cobblestone
2 stacks of andesite
20 stone stairs
20 cobblestone stairs
20 andesite stairs
1 stack of dead brain coral block
8 deepslate
1 deepslate wall
2 ender chests
2 stacks of chests
16 campfires
3 stacks of barrels
2 stacks of bookshelves
1 crafting table
12 smokers
12 blast furnaces
2 stone cutters
2 looms
4 smithing tables 2 stacks of glostone
2 stacks of lanterns
32 glow item frames
4 torches
16 armor stands
24 white carpet
28 lime carpet
4 pink carpet
16 purple carpet
16 red carpet
32 black carpet
4 black wool
1 enchanted apple
1 watermelon
1 cake
1 glowberry
1 hollyberry
4 dead coral
4 anvil
1 enchanted book
1 enchanting table
1 bed
2 enderdragon heads
24 item frames
12 candles
8 armorstands
1 stack of flower pots
1 telescope
1 compass
45 grass bkocks
16 leaves
4 spruce sappling
4 sapplings
5 sea cucumbers
54 bamboo
2 chains
1 water bucket
iron armor
gold armor
diamond armor


You did a great job man. You have quite the eye for decoration both inside and out of the base. I look forward to using some of your techniques in my future builds!


Love the build! To make it a bit more functional I made the basement area all open and instead of the small farms I made each corner have a use (enchant room, chest room, furnace room). Also added a way to get up and down all levels in the middle of the base.


I don't have words for this creative build.🎉


Dude, this style of build guides are perfect for me to follow. I like that you don’t slowly count out each block and when you do the same thing somewhere else you just show that it’s copied there. Please keep up the good work!


This is one of the most beautiful mega bases I’ve ever seen in Minecraft, Keep up the good work 👍


You have a great building style, and your interior decorating is gorgeous! Liked & subbed 👍


10/10 video. you just made me play osrs again. i was always trying to max my efficiency every time i played and it would burn me out. this was so refreshing


Thank you for showing what goes where exactly inside the home, a lot of others only show the finished product and it’s sometimes hard to find inspiration if you don’t know what you’re doing


Essa casa ta simplesmente maravilhosa, é a minha primeira vez assistindo ao seu canal, e eu já me inscrevi, porque essa construção ta incrível, parabéns


I love how relaxing it all is, the sound of block placement and plant placement... Then there's the anvil with it's obnoxious CLANG, disrupting the peace. 😂 Stunning build regardless! ❤


I’m definitely going to be building this! Just gotta get the materials first…
Anyway, good job! This base is really impressive with features like that Hot Spring Bath! Have a good one!
