Is This The End? | Strat Tone Journey Part 3 | Ron Ellis & Bare Knuckle

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Here we are in part 3 (is it the end?) of my Stratocaster Tone journey!
I’m trying Mick Taylor’s infamous Blue’s scratch plate loaded with Ron Ellis ‘64 Grey Bottoms, and the Bare Knuckle ‘63 Veneer Board!
00:00 Recap
00:17 Introduction
01:51 Pickups To Test
03:40 Fender Custom Shop Josefinas
04:28 Radio Shop RSV57’s
05:07 Bare Knuckle Mother’s Milk
05:44 The First Changeover
07:28 Bare Knuckle ‘63 Veneer Board
14:00 The Second Changeover
15:53 Ron Ellis ‘64 Grey Bottoms
19:13 Verdict
What do you think sounds best?
Video edited by John Hollingworth
#ronellispickups #barekncucklepickups #rabeaafro
⬇️⬇️⬇️ Feel free to read this ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Hey guys, I’m Rabea. I'm the lead guitarist in Toska, Frog Leap & Dorje where I write music, make songs and have a great time with my mates. I also have my own line of guitars with Chapman Guitars, and I’ve designed numerous products with some really cool companies, such as the Victory Amps VX Kraken. Anyway, i hope you enjoy my videos, thank you for watching!
-------------------// MY MUSIC \\--------------------------
Rabea Massaad - Grinding Gears EP
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-------------------// LEARN GUITAR \\--------------------------
Peace & Love
I’m trying Mick Taylor’s infamous Blue’s scratch plate loaded with Ron Ellis ‘64 Grey Bottoms, and the Bare Knuckle ‘63 Veneer Board!
00:00 Recap
00:17 Introduction
01:51 Pickups To Test
03:40 Fender Custom Shop Josefinas
04:28 Radio Shop RSV57’s
05:07 Bare Knuckle Mother’s Milk
05:44 The First Changeover
07:28 Bare Knuckle ‘63 Veneer Board
14:00 The Second Changeover
15:53 Ron Ellis ‘64 Grey Bottoms
19:13 Verdict
What do you think sounds best?
Video edited by John Hollingworth
#ronellispickups #barekncucklepickups #rabeaafro
⬇️⬇️⬇️ Feel free to read this ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Hey guys, I’m Rabea. I'm the lead guitarist in Toska, Frog Leap & Dorje where I write music, make songs and have a great time with my mates. I also have my own line of guitars with Chapman Guitars, and I’ve designed numerous products with some really cool companies, such as the Victory Amps VX Kraken. Anyway, i hope you enjoy my videos, thank you for watching!
-------------------// MY MUSIC \\--------------------------
Rabea Massaad - Grinding Gears EP
-------------------// FOLLOW ME \\--------------------------
-------------------// LEARN GUITAR \\--------------------------
Peace & Love