Is This The End? | Strat Tone Journey Part 3 | Ron Ellis & Bare Knuckle

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Here we are in part 3 (is it the end?) of my Stratocaster Tone journey!

I’m trying Mick Taylor’s infamous Blue’s scratch plate loaded with Ron Ellis ‘64 Grey Bottoms, and the Bare Knuckle ‘63 Veneer Board!


00:00 Recap
00:17 Introduction
01:51 Pickups To Test
03:40 Fender Custom Shop Josefinas
04:28 Radio Shop RSV57’s
05:07 Bare Knuckle Mother’s Milk
05:44 The First Changeover
07:28 Bare Knuckle ‘63 Veneer Board
14:00 The Second Changeover
15:53 Ron Ellis ‘64 Grey Bottoms
19:13 Verdict

What do you think sounds best?

Video edited by John Hollingworth

#ronellispickups #barekncucklepickups #rabeaafro

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Hey guys, I’m Rabea. I'm the lead guitarist in Toska, Frog Leap & Dorje where I write music, make songs and have a great time with my mates. I also have my own line of guitars with Chapman Guitars, and I’ve designed numerous products with some really cool companies, such as the Victory Amps VX Kraken. Anyway, i hope you enjoy my videos, thank you for watching!

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Rabea Massaad - Grinding Gears EP

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Peace & Love
Рекомендации по теме

Thanks so much for following me on my tone journey! Minute markers in the description!

Please bare in mind the tone comparisons Josefinas clip is on a different amp. Not ideal I know! But I knew I wanted to change them so I’m less bothered there!

Thanks to Mick, Tim at Bare Kncukle, and Radioshop pickups!

Hope you enjoy this episode. Will it be the last?!


It is amazing how tone heaven is so close to tone hell.


I'm thinking your Josefinas sound most like the tone I have in my head when I ponder reasons to buy a Strat. It's a very sweet tone to which you can always add some hair if you need it.


The CS Josefina for me, hands down. EXCELLENT series, Rabea. Thanks for doing this.


The '63 Veneer Board is currently winning imo. Really nice sounding 👌


The Josefinas still sound the warmest to me.


YES! Just wanted to let you know I just received a Bare Knuckle Silo to put in my new guitar! Can't wait to try it out! 🔥


I really like the Ron Ellis pickup's. The high end is there but without that piercing ice pick quality to it but it keeps alot of that bottom end we love.
Try 1 pickup frome each set and see how that goes!
Beautiful playing Bea!


I’ve done what your doing with every set of custom shop pickups made. It’s something you have to do but after having done it, the original fenders that come in the guitars are usually the best. They really know what they’re doing at fender, and got it right the first time and are still getting it right today! One secret that prs figured out when researching vintage strat pickups, was that the bridge usually had the weakest output of the three, although they were all 3 pretty close. Most people try the opposite with hotter bridge outputs, so they never get it right! Having said all this, there are two other makers I tried that rival the fenders and those are lindy fralin, and Jason lollar!


This series helped me with my strat pu journey. I've tried multiple Fender CS, Monty's, Kloppmann, Duncans. What helped me in particular is what you said about the wire. I prefer enamel wire with low output. When you played the mother's milk for the first time, I had the exact same smile you had. I love how punchy and mid scooped they are. I'm gonna go and purchase a set right now. Thanks Rabea!


Ron Ellis stand out as having the most character making the others seem flat and standard.... after having jumped around the video hearing them back to back. At first I thought they broke up too much but then figured that is awesomeness I have a 2006 Eric Johnson strat I think is plain sounding and those Ellis one's would give it some balls!


First of all, high compliments on the exceptional playing style. To my ear, the original Josefina's still reign supreme over all the options demoed in this video. There is just this unspoken "thing" about the tones these generate, partly in the single note bite early on but particularly the lower end chording that is clear and bell like. Wonderful demonstration.


The Ron Ellis set of pickups sound about 1000% better to my ears! Warm, sweet, articulate, dynamic AND aggressive at the same time. One of the best Strat pickups I’ve heard so far!


Hearing the Josefinas melted my heart - hard to explain, crisp but mellow, clear but warm, and also the string definition is the most even. But the Ron Ellis seem to be close and strong enough to cut through the mix.


I love watching you play your touch is so soft at times... yet you play hard as well, shows that you need to vary your technique and playing for the moment and music


I have to concur with most of the comments here regarding the Josefinas.
They are the only set that delivers that classic early 50s Strat sound.
They sound just like the guitar looks and that’s perfect for me.

Since I’m a cheap bastard I have the Tonerider Surfaris in my 50s Strat which come surprisingly close to the Josefinas. Just a little bit less clarity I guess.

The others are way to hot to my ears, even the 57s.
They all have so much more gain, when clean jangly twang is the sound that this guitar should deliver.

Of course the other pickups sound amazing, but they are just not suited for the 50s Strat sound. In a mid to late 60s they would indeed be perfect!


It's the Josefina's for me ... " back to ground zero. They sound beyond perfect to my ears. All the sets are great, as always it's the tone that's in "your" head. Also, do any of the sets feel different? Is it harder to get the notes and articulations from some of them? I don't mind sacrificing a bit of tone if a set plays easier, you'll more than make up for it in the articulation you'll put forth in your playing.


I have Lollar's Dirty Blonde's in mine, and I could not be happier. To be honest: They all sound "Very Stratty" and you couldn't go wrong with any choice. Only way to tell: Play through a looper and Demo each pickup (with the exact same phrase) played & edited to be Listened-to: back-to-back-to-back = lot's of work. Easter to Differentiate. Those Josefina's sounded like vintage strat - to me.


Those Gray bottom pickups sounded very percussive and funky with long sustain i really like the way they sounded.


I just picked up an Eric Johnson Thinline Strat. Wanted one since they first came out. It's so perfect the way it is, and the pickups are so good, I don't have to do a thing to it other than play. Keep up the good work. You'll find what fits what you want.
